Topic: Additional location for parameter pack expansion

Author: "peter miller" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 00:29:42 -0700 (PDT)
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Hi all,

I think the list of places where a pack expansion can appear
(14.5.3/4 [temp.variadic]) should include using declarations;
for example, I found myself wanting to code this:

template <typename...Mixins>
struct x : Mixins...
 using Mixins::some_method ...; // ****NOTE pack expansion.

I can do the above, but it takes all this clutter:

#include <cstdio>
#include <type_traits>

template <typename...Args>
struct s;

template <typename Head, typename...Tail>
get_head( Head const&, Tail const&...)
 -> Head;

template <typename...Args>
struct head
 typedef decltype( get_head( std::declval<Args>()... ) ) type;

template <typename Head, typename...Tail>
get_tail( Head const&, Tail const&... )
 -> s<Tail...>;

template <typename...Args>
struct tail
 typedef decltype( get_tail( std::declval<Args>()... ) ) type;

template <typename...Args>
struct s
: head<Args...>::type,  tail<Args...>::type
 using head<Args...>::type::print;
 using tail<Args...>::type::print;

template <>
struct s<>
 struct dummy_function;

 void print( dummy_function const& );

struct a
 void print( int i )
     { printf( "%d\n", i ); }

struct b
 void print( double d )
     { printf( "%f\n", d ); }

struct c
 void print( const char* s )
     { printf( "%s\n", s ); }

static_assert( std::is_same< head<a,b,c>::type ,a >::value
   && std::is_same< tail<a,b,c>::type, s<b,c> >::value, "test" );

int main()
   s<a,b,c> printer;
   printer.print( "hello" );
   printer.print( 0.1 );
   return 0;

Just a thought.

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