Topic: Is it safe to cast std::array::data() to built-in array reference?

Author: "Niels Dekker - no reply address" <>
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 16:38:12 CST
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Can someone please tell me if the following function,
user_namespace::get_c_array, is guaranteed to get a valid reference to a
built-in array from a non-empty C++0x std::array?

 namespace user_namespace
   template <typename T, std::size_t N>
   T(& get_c_array(std::array<T,N>& arg) )[N]
     return *static_cast<T(*)[N]>(

I'm asking because a related issue that I submitted was recently rejected:
LWG #930, "Access to std::array data as built-in array type",
Which says:
> [ 2009-10 Santa Cruz: ]
> Mark as NAD. There was not enough consensus that this was
> sufficiently useful. There are known other ways to do this,
> such as small inline conversion functions.

So I wonder if user_namespace::get_c_array does the job, as such a
conversion function. Especially I would like to know if the
static_cast<T(*)[N]> therein is okay.

Kind regards,

Niels Dekker <>
Scientific programmer at LKEB, Leiden University Medical Center

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Author: Anders Dalvander <>
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 22:24:43 CST
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On Dec 1, 11:38 pm, "Niels Dekker - no reply address"
<> wrote:
> Can someone please tell me if the following function,
> user_namespace::get_c_array, is guaranteed to get a valid reference to a
> built-in array from a non-empty C++0x std::array?

It may not work if N == 0.

Anders Dalvander

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Author: "Niels Dekker - no reply address" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 02:35:01 CST
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>> Can someone please tell me if the following function,
>> user_namespace::get_c_array, is guaranteed to get a
>> valid reference to a built-in array from a non-empty
>> C++0x std::array?

Anders Dalvander replied:
> It may not work if N == 0.

Thanks, but does it work for a non-empty std::array? Is it safe to convert
the pointer returned by std::array<T,N>::data() to a reference of type
T(&)[N], when N > 0?  Aren't there any possible alignment issues that might
make such a reference useless?

Kind regards,

Niels Dekker
Scientific programmer at LKEB, Leiden University Medical Center

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Author: Anders Dalvander <>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 13:13:48 CST
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On Dec 4, 9:35 am, "Niels Dekker - no reply address"
<> wrote:
> Thanks, but does it work for a non-empty std::array? Is it safe to convert
> the pointer returned by std::array<T,N>::data() to a reference of type
> T(&)[N], when N > 0?  Aren't there any possible alignment issues that might
> make such a reference useless?

I'm unsure of this, but in the latest c++ working draft (N3000)
   23.3.1 defines std::array with the public member T elems[N]. Is your
function actually needed if this is true?

In the WD the std::array::elems member has the comment "exposition
only" though, English isn't my native language so unfortunately I
don't fully understand that comment and what it means.

Anders Dalvander

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Author: "Bo Persson" <>
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 22:32:31 CST
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Anders Dalvander wrote:
> On Dec 4, 9:35 am, "Niels Dekker - no reply address"
> <> wrote:
>> Thanks, but does it work for a non-empty std::array? Is it safe to
>> convert the pointer returned by std::array<T,N>::data() to a
>> reference of type T(&)[N], when N > 0?  Aren't there any possible
>> alignment issues that might make such a reference useless?
> I'm unsure of this, but in the latest c++ working draft (N3000)
>    23.3.1 defines std::array with the public member T elems[N]. Is
> your function actually needed if this is true?
> In the WD the std::array::elems member has the comment "exposition
> only" though, English isn't my native language so unfortunately I
> don't fully understand that comment and what it means.

It means that it is not a requirement to actually have a member of
that name. It is not part of the public interface (even if it is a
public member).

Bo Persson

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Author: "Niels Dekker - no reply address" <>
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 22:32:10 CST
Raw View
>> Is it safe to convert the pointer returned by
>> std::array<T,N>::data() to a reference of type T(&)[N],
>> when N > 0?

Anders Dalvander wrote:
> I'm unsure of this, but in the latest c++ working draft (N3000)
>    23.3.1 defines std::array with the public member T elems[N]. Is
> your function actually needed if this is true?
> In the WD the std::array::elems member has the comment
> "exposition only" though  [...]

That's exactly the problem! N3000, 23.3.1, Class template array [array] has
a note, that clarifies the meaning of "exposition only":
      [ Note: The member variable elems is shown for exposition only, to
emphasize that array is a class aggregate. The name elems is not part of
array's interface. -end note ]

And indeed, I've already seen two different std::tr1::array implementations
that do not have a data member named "elems".  That's why I submitted but unfortunately
it didn't make it. So now I would like to know how to write a conversion
function, to get a reference to the built-in array.

Kind regards,


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