Topic: [container] diference betwen clear and swap trick
Author: r0d <>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 15:26:55 CST Raw View
i spent a bit time making tests to see wich of this two ways is
fasters (in execution time i mean):
We get an std::vector<T> v. Then we fill it. Then we want to delete it
(erase form memory)
1. v.clear();
2. std::vector<T>().swap( v );
And well, i made some test of quickness to ascertain wich way is the
faster. And what a surprise: it depends! It depends on the version of
the STL, on the platform (linux, windows), on the type of T...
Thus this is my question: is there any know issue about when one way
is better than the other?
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