Topic: C++0x: Protected/private member access from lambda functions

Author: Raymond Kraesig <>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 14:17:59 CST
Raw View
struct A {
  friend std::tr1::function<void(A&, int)> F();
  friend std::tr1::function<void(int)> F2(A&);

    int v;
    void pf() {}

std::tr1::function<void(A&, int)> F() {
  return [] (A&a, int i) {; a.v = i; };

std::tr1::function<void(int)> F2(A &a) {
  return [&a] (int i) {; a.v = i; };


A read-through of N2550 does not seem to imply that a lambda-function
declared inside a friend of a given class inherits that friend's
member access rights, and that therefore both F() and F2() above would
be ill-formed. In fact, it doesn't even appear to allow inheritance of
member access rights when declared in an actual member function.

Is this a correct reading of N2550? If so, is it an intentional
effect? I wouldn't think that it would be useful to restrict lambda
functions in such a fashion, given that std::tr1::bind() can create
closure-objects even today that are equivalent to lambda-functions
with inherited friendship, simply by explicit closure over
pointers-to-members and pointers-to-member-functions. (I don't think
I'd enjoy continuing to do that, though.)

-- Ray

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Author: ymett <>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 18:07:08 CST
Raw View
On Mar 15, 10:17 pm, Raymond Kraesig <>
> A read-through of N2550 does not seem to imply that a lambda-function
> declared inside a friend of a given class inherits that friend's
> member access rights, and that therefore both F() and F2() above would
> be ill-formed. In fact, it doesn't even appear to allow inheritance of
> member access rights when declared in an actual member function.
> Is this a correct reading of N2550? If so, is it an intentional
> effect? I wouldn't think that it would be useful to restrict lambda
> functions in such a fashion, given that std::tr1::bind() can create
> closure-objects even today that are equivalent to lambda-functions
> with inherited friendship, simply by explicit closure over
> pointers-to-members and pointers-to-member-functions. (I don't think
> I'd enjoy continuing to do that, though.)

N2798 5.1.1p7 says:
The type of the closure object is a class with a unique name, call it
F, considered to be defined at the point where the lambda expression

I think that means it is a local class in the and has all access
rights its enclosing function has.

Yechezkel Mett

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