Topic: remove characters from a string

Author: "seawind" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 10:40:49 CST
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I am a newer, and now i encounter a simple question.

i want to erase all specified characters ,such as ',' , from a string.
which function should i call?
for example:

string ls( "i ,am, a ,dog,");

thanks in advace

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Author: Jens Theisen <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 14:16:43 CST
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===================================== MODERATOR'S COMMENT:

I have allowed this message through as a reply to a previous post, but material of this form is generally off-topic; please do not continue this thread unless topical material (i.e., material related to standardization of C++) is involved.

===================================== END OF MODERATOR'S COMMENT
seawind wrote:
> I am a newer, and now i encounter a simple question.
> i want to erase all specified characters ,such as ',' , from a string.
> which function should i call?
> for example:
> string ls( "i ,am, a ,dog,");

ls.erase(std::remove(ls.begin(), ls.end(), ','), ls.end())

This also works with other containers. It may seem weird, but it's the
ususal way of doing it in the STL.

You should get yourself a good book about the STL, because a reference
alone isn't enough; you need to know some idioms and concepts.


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Author: "seawind" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 22:15:14 CST
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===================================== MODERATOR'S COMMENT:

I'm approving this because it's a response to something that was already
posted, but let's be careful to keep this discussion on-topic. This
discussion is going in a direction that's not directly related to

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approve<br>comment<br>I'm approving this because it's a response to something that was already posted, but let's be careful to keep this discussion on-topic. This discussion is going in a direction that's not directly related to standardization.


===================================== END OF MODERATOR'S COMMENT

According to what you said,  i try it and it is ok,
thank you for your help and your advice.

and i try another algorithm remove as well. look like this,

string ls(" i , am , dog");

remove(ls.begin(), ls.end(), ',');

of course, i have used namespace std. and i get "i am dogog".
i traced into the function,and found that in fact it calls remove_copy.

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Author: (Jens Theisen)
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 16:25:08 GMT
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seawind wrote:
> of course, i have used namespace std. and i get "i am dogog".
> i traced into the function,and found that in fact it calls remove_copy.

I'll post an answer to comp.lang.c++, as this is off topic here and the
moderators are getting angry I think. :)


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