Topic: Last rites declaration of Ioannes Paulus PP. II (Karol Wojtyla)
Author: Ioannes Paulus PP. II (Karol Wojtyla) <>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 02:22:40 GMT Raw View
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"The unforgiveable sins this earth must confront and overcome are
Nationalism, capitalism, and hoarding. The idea of every nation
should be forgot, price should be struck from the commons, and
princes should be seen for the devils they are. The sins include
our church, secret societies, and other religions which make of
the spirit of God a divide."
Last rites declaration of Ioannes Paulus PP. II (Karol Wojtyla)
2nd April 2005
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<font face="Charlemagne" size="4">
Ioannes Paulus PP. II<BR>Karol Wojtyla<BR>16.X.1978<BR> </font></b><br><br>
"The unforgiveable sins this earth must confront and overcome are Nationalism, capitalism, and hoarding.
The idea of every nation should be forgot, price should be struck from the commons, and princes should be seen for the devils they are.
The sins include our church, secret societies, and other religions which make of the spirit of God a divide." <br><br>
<font face="Charlemagne" size="3"><b>The Holy Father's last rites declaration - 2nd April 2005</b></font>
they doubted if
His miracles were of God. Whereas the Jesuits, though unable to doubt that
the miracles of Port-Royal are of God, do not cease to doubt still the
innocence of that house.
855. I suppose that men believe miracles. You corrupt religion either in
favour of your friends or against your enemies. You arrange it at your will.
856. On the miracle.--As God has made no family more happy, let it also be
the case that He find none more thankful.
857. Clearness, obscurity.--There would be too great darkness, if truth had
not visible signs. This is a wonderful one, that it has always been
preserved in one Church and one visible assembly of men. There would be too
great clearness, if there were only one opinion in this Church. But in order
to recognise what is true, one has only to look at what has always existed;
for it is certain that truth has always existed, and that nothing false has
always existed.
858. The history of the Church ought properly to be called the history of
859. There is a pleasure in being in a ship beaten about by a storm, when we
are sure that it will not founder. The persecutions which harass the Church
are of this nature.
860. In addition to so many other signs of piety, they are also persecuted,
which is the best sign of piety.
861. The Church is in an excellent state when it is sustained by God only.
862. The Church has always been attacked by opposite errors, but perhaps
never at the same time, as now. And if she suffer more because of the