Topic: Newbie Question: STL: next_permutation/prev_permutation

Author: "Mark" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2004 17:50:50 CST
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can any one help.
I'm trying to understand how the above STL algorithms
work, purely for my own information, and am having
difficulty seeing how it works, particularly as it does'nt
seem to record any state.

If anyone can explain or point me to further information on
the subject I would be grateful.


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Author: ("Max T. Woodbury")
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 06:15:59 GMT
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Mark wrote:
> I'm trying to understand how the above STL algorithms
> work, purely for my own information, and am having
> difficulty seeing how it works, particularly as it does'nt
> seem to record any state.

The permutations are generated in a special sequence.  The current
sequence is all the state needed to determine what transformation
is to be performed next.  Frankly I do not remember all the details.
It's been to long since I did that particular exercise.  If I remember
correctly, the procedure exchanges two adjacent elements to generate
the next sequence.  The 'trick' is to determine which pair to exchange.
To understand the process you need to understand how 'Grey codes' (I
may have the spelling on that wrong) work.  The mapping from 'in order'
and 'out of order' to 0 and 1 is also important.  ('equal' maps to a
'does not matter state'.)  The rest is the stuff of homework exercises.

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Author: ("Max T. Woodbury")
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 00:33:55 GMT
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Author: "Mark" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 23:39:19 GMT
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