Topic: Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?

Author: (Nicola Musatti)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 17:35:51 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message news:<>...
> Pete Becker wrote:
> > Different design goals?
> What design goals would have led to the choices they made? I believe it's
> noteworthey that two general purpose programming languages which both drew
> heavily from C/C++ have the exact size of fundamental types specified.
> These people who made the decisions are not stupid.  Stupid people cannot
> design successful programming languages.

Both languages originate from companies for which one platform is much
more important than any other, x86 Intel for Microsoft and SPARC for
Sun. Performance guarantees on other platforms may not have been a
primary goal.

> >> My two concerns are 1) the psychological impact on people who are trying
> >> to chose a language to learn, or to use on a project. 2) Determining if
> >> there is a real and significant risk involved in porting software written
> >> using the current adaptive types of C++?
> >
> > If you don't know how to do it, it's dangerous.
> What if you don't realize it needs to be addressed?

It amounts to the same thing, doesn't it?

> I will observe the article you referenced above gave yet another example of
> how a computer program led to the loss of an astronautical vehicle. That
> strengthens my case that human error regarding software can lead to costly
> mishaps. So far I have not seen where people have addressed my fundamental
> concerns.

Your concern is obviously well founded. The idea that specific
language features (or their absence) solve the problem is just an

> > Ignoring test results is a process failure.
> The person who assured me the problem was due to a fault in the test didn't
> ignore the test result.  He simply believed (probably correctly) that the
> errant result was due to a fault in the OS, not in the hardware. It was an
> informed decision. So far in this discussion I have not seen a great deal
> of evidence to support the view that the C++ design decisions under
> discussion have been carefully examined.

For that to be an informed decision the above mentioned person should
have known for sure that the errant result was due to a fault in the
OS and that that fault was not a problem for any part of the whole
system, not just the element involved in the test; if this was the
case then your concern was not only misplaced, but actually negative
for the project. Otherwise that person was a fool, and a far greater
threat to your project than any of its software components.

> I've been in situations where my input weighed hevily in choosing things
> such as a programming language to use on a major DoD project. If I ask a
> language J expert if there is a risk R involving the use of language J, and
> she confidently says "no", and explains why, then I ask a C++ expert the
> same question about C++ and he says "Only if you're an idiot", I am likely
> to favor language J.

So that idiots take longer to manifest themselves?

Nicola Musatti

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Author: (James Kuyper)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 03:31:27 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message news:<>...
> These people who made the decisions are not stupid.  Stupid people cannot
> design successful programming languages.

Would that that were true! In any event, even smart people
occasionally making stupid decisions.

> > How does this relate to your desire for exactly specified numeric types?
> It relates to the topic at hand in so much as it gives a real world example
> of how decisions that can impact vital missions are actually made.
> > Ignoring test results is a process failure.
> The person who assured me the problem was due to a fault in the test didn't
> ignore the test result.  He simply believed (probably correctly) that the
> errant result was due to a fault in the OS, not in the hardware. It was an

How does that justify ignoring the test result? Were you planning to
switch to a different OS before actually using it? If so, what were
the test results after switching to that OS?

> I've been in situations where my input weighed hevily in choosing things
> such as a programming language to use on a major DoD project. If I ask a
> language J expert if there is a risk R involving the use of language J, and
> she confidently says "no", and explains why, then I ask a C++ expert the
> same question about C++ and he says "Only if you're an idiot", I am likely
> to favor language J.

Even though the language J expert was almost certainly lying to you,
and the C++ answer would have been the correct answer for both
languages? This is usually the case when people confidently tell you
that something is not a problem.

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Author: ("Adam H. Peterson")
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 05:04:36 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
> If optimization is really important enough to warrant carefully matching the
> size of fundamental types to the hardware, then in that rare situation
> there should be a proscribed mechanism for making that adjustment.  IOW,
> the exceptional case should be treated exceptionally.

In most of my programming, my variables don't really care how big they
are as long as they're bigger than 16 bits-ish.  Some of them must be
bigger than 32 bits-ish.  Fortunately for me, "int" and "long" give me
types that will always be at least the sizes I need.  If they're bigger
than those sizes, I don't really mind.  But to make the default sizes
have to be exactly a certain size when most (all?) of my counters can be
bigger without any problem doesn't really fit "you don't pay for what
you don't use" in my mind.  In my experience, it is the exceptional case
when code depends on a type being exactly a certain size rather than
code depending on a type being at least a certain size.  (Excepting
possibly binary I/O, which is platform tied anyway.)

> The first digital system I worked on professionally was a networked system
> of aircraft tracking and engagement devices.  The device I worked on the
> most had a cabinet with circuitry producing a potential of 36,000 volts.
> That is by no means the only way you could get killed working on the
> system.  One of the most interesting ways to get killed was to experience
> system failure in a combat situation.  Perhaps my standards of reliability
> are higher than a university environment instills.

In my experience, most bugs are not caused by not having the right size
integer, especially one that was too large.  Some are, but most aren't,
and constraining a language because someone can forget to dot their i's
or cross their t's is the wrong way to go.  But on most systems and
under most compilers, byte, short, int, and long do have exact sizes and
those sizes are known.  So what you're mostly talking about is a
portability issue, in my view, and not a safety issue.  If you want
sizes to have an exact size, I would say just stick with your compiler
and your platform, and you'll always know what those sizes are.

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Author: (Jack Klein)
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 16:08:58 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 06:04:04 +0000 (UTC),
("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in comp.std.c++:

> Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?

Why should they be?

> This was explained to me in my first programming courses many years ago.
> The explanation was something like: 'not all hardware supports the same
> size fundamental data storage unit'.  Usually followed by the professor
> mumbling something unintelligible.

The original spirit of C was to be a lean, mean, close to the hardware
language where you don't pay for anything you don't use.  This has
caused it to become the widely portable and used computer language in

The original spirit of C++ was based on extending and enhancing, not
bloating C.  The original developers, including Stroustrup, have
always been determined that C++ should be no less efficient at what C
can do than C is, and for the most part they have succeeded very well.
They too refuse to allow a program to be burdened by the cost of
features that it does not use.

This spirit has not only lead to the languages that are used for every
major operating system in existence today, they fit the needs of
realtime and embedded systems quite well.  So much so that C has
displaced assembly language as the primary tool even on 8-bit
microcontrollers, and C++ is making inroads as well, especially on the
larger embedded processors.

> It seems to me, in today's world, technology is sufficiently advanced to
> support a layer of abstraction which would provide a mapping between any
> specified size of data type and the physical storage units.  There may be
> embedded systems with special needs which would require some deviation from
> a default size specified by the standard.  Such situations could very
> easily be handled by a specified means of changing the configuration to
> suit the hardware.

In fact, the 1999 update to the C language standard includes a header
named <stdint.h> that addresses this very issue.  It requires the
implementation to provide both the smallest and fastest types (may be
the same) of both signed and unsigned integers able of containing 8,
16, 32, and 64 bits, and allows for other widths.

It also provides for the definition of exact-width integer types of 8,
16, 32, and 64 bits, and allows for other widths.  But an
implementation is only allowed to provide these types if the
underlying hardware supports them, with 2's complement representation
of the signed types and no trap representations.

These features are an almost certain future addition to the C++

> In my experience as a student, the nature of the C/C++ fundamental type
> specification was an obstacle to my embracing the languages.  It introduced

Apparently not enough of an obstacle.

> a sense of fundamental doubt at the onset of learning the language.  I
> don't know how much real-world consequence that feature of the
> specification may have, or when I am likely to encounter a situation where
> I need to address it in detail.  IOW, I still have fundamental mistrust of
> that aspect of the language.

If you want Java, you know where to find it.

I find it amusing that newcomers to C and most particularly C++ want
to bring along the baggage of their prior languages.  If you want a
language designed to give the programmer maximum control and
efficiency, use C++ or C and take responsibility for knowing what you
are doing.

If you are willing to sacrifice performance and efficiency for a
higher level of abstraction and more hand-holding, there are quite a
few languages ready to oblige you.

The lack of hard-coding sizes is in fact a major advantage that
provides great flexibility.  Literally today, and again tomorrow, I
will be working on C code for a DSP that literally does not have any
data type narrower than 16 bits.  The vendor supplies a C++ compiler
as well, although we are not using it.

On the other hand, how much trouble has it caused and will it cause in
the future now that Unicode is too large to fit in a Java char?

Jack Klein
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Author: (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Daniel_Kr=FCgler_=28nee_Spangenberg=29=22?=)
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 16:11:17 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
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Hello Steven Hatton,

Steven T. Hatton schrieb:

>My understanding is that the C Standard now specifies what the default sizes
>are for fundamental types.
Where did you read that? Both the old as well as the new C90 standard
specify lower limits for the
sizes of the fundamental types as described by Sizes of
integer types <limits.h>:

"[..] Their implementation-defined values shall be equal or greater in
(absolute value) to those shown, with the same sign."

>The disadvantage is not knowing what a variable might do on a particular
>platform.  For example, I might use a particular size numerical type on one
>machine where doesn't overflow when used as a loop counter, thus behaving
>as expected.  When the program is ported to a machine with a smaller size
>defined for the same typename, the same variable might overflow
If you need a specific sized type, use it, otherwise don't. It often
makes sense to distinguish so-named
"generic types", which reflect the natural size of the system from
"specific sized" types. Generic types
are often useful to take system limits implicitely into account, like
the type std::size_t. It wouldn't make
sense to say, "size_t should be always 32bit, from now-on".  What do you
do, if the system changes from
32 bit to 64 bit? Just introduce a new type and make all previously
written code invalid? Or do you
demand, that all your genericly written vector classes are limited to
capacities expressed as 32 bit numbers?

>If optimization is really important enough to warrant carefully matching the
>size of fundamental types to the hardware, then in that rare situation
>there should be a proscribed mechanism for making that adjustment.  IOW,
>the exceptional case should be treated exceptionally.
That is not a question of optimization, but a fundamental decision,
whether a program you write must be
useful in generic contexts or in absolute contexts. To my opinion, the
demand for absolute contexts is
the exception, especially for general-purpose libraries as the standard
container library. Similar argumentations
apply for char types in text-based programs (Even such roughly defined
categories like whether unicode or

>>I was about to suggest that you switch to a language you feel more
>>confortable with, but I changed my mind. I believe that learning to
>>overcome the kind of insecurity you describe is a great exercise for
>>improving as a programmer.
>The first digital system I worked on professionally was a networked system
>of aircraft tracking and engagement devices.  The device I worked on the
>most had a cabinet with circuitry producing a potential of 36,000 volts.
>That is by no means the only way you could get killed working on the
>system.  One of the most interesting ways to get killed was to experience
>system failure in a combat situation.  Perhaps my standards of reliability
>are higher than a university environment instills.
This is a quite unfair statement. High-security software has obviously
stronger constraints than
general-purpose programs and you might decide, that it is more important
that your program is
less generically useful (because it uses all data types on a fixed-size
base), than that you risk
any "unexpected behaviours".

To my opinion steady use of fixed-size types has more disadvantages than
advantages: The probability
of magic numbers in the code grow ("Because I know, that int is always
32 bit large") and one often
looses the view for general aspects of the code/algorithm. If I write
programs with high generic parts,
I am forced to think more in fundamental "laws"/dependencies than in
"tiny numbers".

Just my 0.02 EURO.

Greetings from Bremen,


Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
Hello Steven Hatton,<br>
Steven T. Hatton schrieb:
<blockquote type="cite" cite="">
  <pre wrap=""></pre>
  <pre wrap="">My understanding is that the C Standard now specifies what the default sizes
are for fundamental types. </pre>
Where did you read that? Both the old as well as the new C90 standard specify
lower limits for the<br>
sizes of the fundamental types as described by Sizes of integer
types &lt;limits.h&gt;:<br>
"[..] Their implementation-defined values shall be equal or greater in magnitude<br>
(absolute value) to those shown, with the same sign."<br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite="">
  <pre wrap="">The disadvantage is not knowing what a variable might do on a particular
platform.  For example, I might use a particular size numerical type on one
machine where doesn't overflow when used as a loop counter, thus behaving
as expected.  When the program is ported to a machine with a smaller size
defined for the same typename, the same variable might overflow
If you need a specific sized type, use it, otherwise don't. It often makes
sense to distinguish so-named<br>
"generic types", which reflect the natural size of the system from "specific
sized" types. Generic types<br>
are often useful to take system limits implicitely into account, like the
type std::size_t. It wouldn't make<br>
sense to say, "size_t should be always 32bit, from now-on". &nbsp;What do you
do, if the system changes from<br>
32 bit to 64 bit? Just introduce a new type and make all previously written
code invalid? Or do you <br>
demand, that all your genericly written vector classes are limited to capacities
expressed as 32 bit numbers?<br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite="">
  <pre wrap="">

If optimization is really important enough to warrant carefully matching the
size of fundamental types to the hardware, then in that rare situation
there should be a proscribed mechanism for making that adjustment.  IOW,
the exceptional case should be treated exceptionally.</pre>
That is not a question of optimization, but a fundamental decision, whether
a program you write must be <br>
useful in generic contexts or in absolute contexts. To my opinion, the demand
for absolute contexts is<br>
the exception, especially for general-purpose libraries as the standard container
library. Similar argumentations<br>
apply for char types in text-based programs (Even such roughly defined categories
like whether unicode or <br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite="">
  <blockquote type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">I was about to suggest that you switch to a language you feel more
confortable with, but I changed my mind. I believe that learning to
overcome the kind of insecurity you describe is a great exercise for
improving as a programmer.
  <pre wrap=""><!---->
The first digital system I worked on professionally was a networked system
of aircraft tracking and engagement devices.  The device I worked on the
most had a cabinet with circuitry producing a potential of 36,000 volts.
That is by no means the only way you could get killed working on the
system.  One of the most interesting ways to get killed was to experience
system failure in a combat situation.  Perhaps my standards of reliability
are higher than a university environment instills.
This is a quite unfair statement. High-security software has obviously stronger
constraints than<br>
general-purpose programs and you might decide, that it is more important
that your program is<br>
less generically useful (because it uses all data types on a fixed-size base),
than that you risk<br>
any "unexpected behaviours".<br>
To my opinion steady use of fixed-size types has more disadvantages than
advantages: The probability<br>
of magic numbers in the code grow ("Because I know, that int is always 32
bit large") and one often<br>
looses the view for general aspects of the code/algorithm. If I write programs
with high generic parts,<br>
I am forced to think more in fundamental "laws"/dependencies than in "tiny
Just my 0.02 EURO.<br>
Greetings from Bremen,<br>


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Author: (Jack Klein)
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 16:29:57 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 18:10:03 +0000 (UTC), (James
Kuyper) wrote in comp.std.c++:

> One problem with the C approach is that it uses the shortest name for
> the exact-sized type. I strongly suspect that many programmers will
> overuse the exact-sized types, when they should instead be using the
> fast-sized or least-sized types. Using a short name for the
> exact-sized types will only exacerbate this problem.

I don't really see much of a problem here.  If the exact-width types
will work, they will work everywhere they are needed.  If they are not
available on a particular implementation, the compiler will inform the
programmer immediately.  Then a change to the "least" or "fastest"
type is only a global search and replace.

Jack Klein
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Author: (Jack Klein)
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 16:30:36 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 23:33:46 +0000 (UTC),
("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in comp.std.c++:

> Nicola Musatti wrote:
> > ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message
> > news:<>...
> >> Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?
> > Java provides such an abstraction layer, and has its place. So have
> > languages such as C++ and C that do not, and instead let you use
> > what's more natural on the computer you're using.
> My understanding is that the C Standard now specifies what the default sizes
> are for fundamental types.

You are absolutely incorrect about this.  It specifies the minimum
range of values that the fundamental integer types must be able to
hold.  The only change since the original ANSI 1989 C standard is the
addition of the _Bool type, substantially different than the C++ bool,
and the long long type requiring at least 64 bits of storage.  The
rest of the inter types have exactly the same specifications as they
always did in C, and as they do in C++.

Before dragging in the current C standard, which is newer than the one
C++ is derived from, perhaps you should read it.  It is available from
ANSI for $18.00 just as the C++ standard is.

Jack Klein
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Author: (Nils Petter Vaskinn)
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 16:30:52 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 23:33:46 +0000, Steven T. Hatton wrote:

> My understanding is that the C Standard now specifies what the default sizes
> are for fundamental types.

Incorrect, but there are standardized names for other types that have a
defined size. But they are not the fundamental types.

If I have understood correctly he compiler+library may or may not provide
them. eg uint32_t is guaranteed to either be 32 bits or not defined. While
int_least_64t is guaranteed to be 64 bits or more (if it exists at all,
since the hardware may not support 64 bit types)


"the large print giveth, and the small print taketh away"
                                Tom Waits - Step right up

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Author: (Nicola Musatti)
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 16:31:09 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message news:<>...
> Nicola Musatti wrote:
> > ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message
> > news:<>...
> >> Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?
> > Java provides such an abstraction layer, and has its place. So have
> > languages such as C++ and C that do not, and instead let you use
> > what's more natural on the computer you're using.
> My understanding is that the C Standard now specifies what the default sizes
> are for fundamental types. An abstraction layer is different from a virtual
> machine.  An abstraction layer merely provides some kind of mapping between
> hardware and source code.  That can be done by the compiler. My response to
> the notion that it actually provides an advantage to have the values
> unspecified is to ask what that advantage is.

The C standard has been specifying minimum sizes (and not default
ones) for the last fifteen years; the same values hold for C++ as

I can think of two advantages of supporting the hardware's fundamental
types: better performance is the most immediate; closeness to the
hardware makes the language suitable to writing the machine's system

> The disadvantage is not knowing what a variable might do on a particular
> platform.  For example, I might use a particular size numerical type on one
> machine where doesn't overflow when used as a loop counter, thus behaving
> as expected.  When the program is ported to a machine with a smaller size
> defined for the same typename, the same variable might overflow
> unpredictably.

The standard provides ways to verify the range of the standard types.
Failing to check when it is advisable can hardly be blamed on the

> If optimization is really important enough to warrant carefully matching the
> size of fundamental types to the hardware, then in that rare situation
> there should be a proscribed mechanism for making that adjustment.  IOW,
> the exceptional case should be treated exceptionally.

In a language where suitability for systems' programming is one of the
original goals this can hardly be considered an exceptional situation.
There is an incredible number of languages that have different goals
(yet I suspect that many of them do not provide stricter guarantees
about numerical ranges than C++ does).

> > I was about to suggest that you switch to a language you feel more
> > confortable with, but I changed my mind. I believe that learning to
> > overcome the kind of insecurity you describe is a great exercise for
> > improving as a programmer.
> The first digital system I worked on professionally was a networked system
> of aircraft tracking and engagement devices.  The device I worked on the
> most had a cabinet with circuitry producing a potential of 36,000 volts.
> That is by no means the only way you could get killed working on the
> system.  One of the most interesting ways to get killed was to experience
> system failure in a combat situation.  Perhaps my standards of reliability
> are higher than a university environment instills.

In which language was it programmed? Did the supplier change the
underlying hardware very often?

Nicola Musatti

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Author: (Hyman Rosen)
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 18:29:19 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
Jack Klein wrote:
> I don't really see much of a problem here.  If the exact-width types
> will work, they will work everywhere they are needed.  If they are not
> available on a particular implementation, the compiler will inform the
> programmer immediately.  Then a change to the "least" or "fastest"
> type is only a global search and replace.

Or you can use a sensible design, such as Ada has. In Ada, you can specify
the range you would like your integers to have -
     bean_counter : integer range 0 .. 10_000;
Then the compiler is free to pick whatever implementation it likes without
your having to clutter the code with irrelevancies.

If for some reason you do need some exact number of bits, perhaps because
you are trying to conform to external hardware, you simply add a clause -
     for bean_counter'Size use 32;

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Author: (James Kuyper)
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 18:30:27 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message news:<>...
> Nicola Musatti wrote:
> My understanding is that the C Standard now specifies what the default sizes
> are for fundamental types. ...

The C standard has always specified minimum values for the *_MAX
macros, which implicitly imposes a minimum number of bits. However, it
does not specify the exact sizes, and it's quite commonplace to have
data types much larger than the minimum. The limits on INT_MIN and
INT_MAX, for instance, correspond to 16 bits, whereas 32 bits have
become the norm.

> ... An abstraction layer is different from a virtual
> machine.  An abstraction layer merely provides some kind of mapping between
> hardware and source code.  That can be done by the compiler. My response to
> the notion that it actually provides an advantage to have the values
> unspecified is to ask what that advantage is.

The advantage is that you can write code which uses the natural
integer type on any platform, without having to rewrite for each
platform, even though the natural type might have different sizes on
different platforms.

> The disadvantage is not knowing what a variable might do on a particular
> platform.  For example, I might use a particular size numerical type on one
> machine where doesn't overflow when used as a loop counter, thus behaving
> as expected.  When the program is ported to a machine with a smaller size
> defined for the same typename, the same variable might overflow
> unpredictably.

That's not true if you insert the appropriate checks for overflow,
which you would need to do anyway if you're running close to the
limits. The only difference is that you need to #include <limits.h>,
and compare versus INT_MAX, rather than having a fixed value to
compare against that's the same on all implementations.

> If optimization is really important enough to warrant carefully matching the
> size of fundamental types to the hardware, then in that rare situation
> there should be a proscribed mechanism for making that adjustment.  IOW,
> the exceptional case should be treated exceptionally.

The problem is that this is very far from being the exception; it's
very nearly the norm. When I need to match a specific interface
defined by someone else in terms of bit sizes, then I need an integer
of exactly that size. Even when I design things myself, if I need to
write to a file that may have to be read by a program compiled on a
different machine, or by a different compiler, I am forced to define
the interface in terms of a fixed size. However, for variables that
stay entirely in a single program compiled entirely with the same
compiler, by far my most common need is for the fastest integer type
that is big enough to hold all of the values that I will need to be
storing in it.

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Author: ("Bo Persson")
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 00:16:14 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
""Steven T. Hatton"" <> skrev i meddelandet
> My understanding is that the C Standard now specifies what the default
> are for fundamental types. An abstraction layer is different from a
> machine.  An abstraction layer merely provides some kind of mapping
> hardware and source code.  That can be done by the compiler. My response
> the notion that it actually provides an advantage to have the values
> unspecified is to ask what that advantage is.

The advantage is that you don't have to specify when it doesn't matter. I
don't see any advantage having to specify the number of bits of an odd loop

For type where it does matter, you can use a typedef to a proper sized

> The disadvantage is not knowing what a variable might do on a particular
> platform.  For example, I might use a particular size numerical type on
> machine where doesn't overflow when used as a loop counter, thus behaving
> as expected.  When the program is ported to a machine with a smaller size
> defined for the same typename, the same variable might overflow
> unpredictably.

On the other hand, right now the issue is more that of moving to a bigger
machine. My next machine will probably be a 64 bit system. If I have used an
int as a loop counter, the new compiler will chose the proper size for that.
It will probably still be 32 bits, I don't care much.

When you move down to a 16 bit system, you will just as likely run out of
other resourses before the int overflows. If the loop counter is used as an
array index, the available address space will be a concern too.

> If optimization is really important enough to warrant carefully matching
> size of fundamental types to the hardware, then in that rare situation
> there should be a proscribed mechanism for making that adjustment.  IOW,
> the exceptional case should be treated exceptionally.

IMO the exceptional case is that you have strict requirements. Don't pay for
what you don't use.

> The first digital system I worked on professionally was a networked system
> of aircraft tracking and engagement devices.  The device I worked on the
> most had a cabinet with circuitry producing a potential of 36,000 volts.
> That is by no means the only way you could get killed working on the
> system.  One of the most interesting ways to get killed was to experience
> system failure in a combat situation.  Perhaps my standards of reliability
> are higher than a university environment instills.

I have worked for defence industry as well. It is a totally different world!

Where I worked, the guy responsible for memory allocation checked the

Guaranteed maximum time to allocate a memory block. At least x 1k blocks
available, at least y 2k block, at least z 4k blocks, etc. So he computed
x*1 + y*2 + z *4 + whatever, and added that amout of RAM (mil spec, of
course) to the system. Then he signed a statement that the requirements were
met, O(1) memory allocation.

The next guy checked the requirements for minimum number of hard real time
threads to support, and then added the sutiable number of processors to the
system. Then he could sign his statment.

Working this way you end up with a $10M computer, but the air force bought
that. They only needed about 200 of these.

That's not the way to design a programming language I can afford to use

Bo Persson

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Author: (John Nagle)
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 00:17:19 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
Hyman Rosen wrote:
> Or you can use a sensible design, such as Ada has. In Ada, you can specify
> the range you would like your integers to have -
>     bean_counter : integer range 0 .. 10_000;
> Then the compiler is free to pick whatever implementation it likes without
> your having to clutter the code with irrelevancies.

  I once wrote a piece called "Type Integer Considered Harmful".
Some of that material is in the original Ada design notes,
although I never published it as a paper.

  The general idea is that all integral values have "ranges".
This includes intermediate values in expressions.  The
compiler is required to size intermediate values such that
overflow cannot occur UNLESS it would also occur in the
final result (where, in a safe language like Ada, it would
be caught.)

   The effect is that if a program compiles, it
gets the same answers on all platforms, regardless of
the underlying machine architecture.

   Examples (in somewhat abused C++ syntax).  This is
just a way to express the issue; you can't actually
implement what I'm describing with C++ templates.

 range<0,0xffffffff> i,j,k,m; // 32-bit unsigned, explicitly

 i = j*k; // can be done entirely in 32 bits, because
   // any overflow will overflow the result

 i = m+j+k; // requires 33 bits - could overflow the
   // intermediate value without overflowing the
   // result.

 i = (m*j)/k; // needs a 64-bit temporary

 i = (m*m*m*m*m)/(k*k*k*k*k);
   // compiler may generate an error

 i = (i+1) % 0x100000000; // If you want wraparound, you write this.
   // The compiler should recognize this as optimizable
   // into a 32-bit unsigned add with no overflow checking

The simple cases create no additional overhead.  The cases
where the compiler must generate large temporaries were
doomed to get wrong answers for portions of the input space

This approach is rather alien to the C/C++ world, where there's
traditionally no overflow checking, but it's the right
answer if you want to get consistent results on all platforms.

I don't expect the C++ committee to go for this.  I write this only
to demonstrate that a sound solution is possible.

As an aside, I once, too many years ago, modified the Berkeley C
compiler for VAXen to enable overflow checking. I then recompiled
many of the standard UNIX utilities and tested them.  About half
of them failed.

I also once spent three frantic days trying to find out why
4.3BSD's TCP would not interoperate with other TCP implementations
during alternate 4 hour periods.  The sequence number arithmetic
was wrong when the high bit was set in the clock, leading to
a starting sequence number with the high bit set.
The problem turned out to be the C convention that the difference between
two unsigned values is unsigned.  This is numerically bogus,
but is the way C and C++ do it.

That's an illustration of the fundamental problem. Numeric result types
are managed as a syntactic issue, not a numeric one.

    John Nagle

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Author: ("Steven T. Hatton")
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 05:24:45 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
James Kuyper wrote:

> ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message
> news:<>...

>> My understanding is that the C Standard now specifies what the default
>> sizes are for fundamental types. ...
> The C standard has always specified minimum values for the *_MAX
> macros, which implicitly imposes a minimum number of bits. However, it
> does not specify the exact sizes, and it's quite commonplace to have
> data types much larger than the minimum. The limits on INT_MIN and
> INT_MAX, for instance, correspond to 16 bits, whereas 32 bits have
> become the norm.

Conceptually, I can see where exactly specifying the size might be used by a
really smart compiler to pack multiple variables into the same hardware
address using an offset to place the values. E.g., say I have a data type
defined as having 8 bits.  The compiler might be able to put 4 variables of
that type in the same 32-bit word.  (Technically that probably would be the
assembler's job.)

>> My response
>> to the notion that it actually provides an advantage to have the values
>> unspecified is to ask what that advantage is.
> The advantage is that you can write code which uses the natural
> integer type on any platform, without having to rewrite for each
> platform, even though the natural type might have different sizes on
> different platforms.

Can you provide a 'formal' definition for "natural integer type"? I'm not
trying to be difficult, but to some extent you beg the question. When am I
going to really care that I'm using the natural integer type for the
hardware?  It still seems like a specialized need.  Something most
programmers will rarely gain from.

>> The disadvantage is not knowing what a variable might do on a particular
>> platform.  For example, I might use a particular size numerical type on
>> one machine where doesn't overflow when used as a loop counter, thus
>> behaving
>> as expected.  When the program is ported to a machine with a smaller size
>> defined for the same typename, the same variable might overflow
>> unpredictably.
> That's not true if you insert the appropriate checks for overflow,
> which you would need to do anyway if you're running close to the
> limits.

But now I need to know if I'm running close to the limit on every possible
hardware the program might be ported to. Since the limit on a 32 bit
counter is significantly different from a 16 bit counter, being close to
the limit is not a clearly defined concept in my mind.

> The only difference is that you need to #include <limits.h>,
> and compare versus INT_MAX, rather than having a fixed value to
> compare against that's the same on all implementations.

That is _if_ I foresee the potential problem.

> The problem is that this is very far from being the exception; it's
> very nearly the norm. When I need to match a specific interface
> defined by someone else in terms of bit sizes, then I need an integer
> of exactly that size. Even when I design things myself, if I need to
> write to a file that may have to be read by a program compiled on a
> different machine, or by a different compiler, I am forced to define
> the interface in terms of a fixed size. However, for variables that
> stay entirely in a single program compiled entirely with the same
> compiler, by far my most common need is for the fastest integer type
> that is big enough to hold all of the values that I will need to be
> storing in it.

Can you provide a specific example of how a program might be adversely
affected by exactly specifying the size of data types? I don't believe the
C++ Standard specifies anything related to 'fastest' integer type.  I'm
also not sure what fast and slow are in this context. Can you provide an
example of an integer type that would be slower on one machine than on
another simply due to size?

I'll admit to not being an expert in this area.  I'm approaching the
situation from the other extreme.  I'm representing the person who just
wants to get started, or just wants to write a program to solve a real
world problem, and doesn't want to get bogged down in messy and confusing
details.  From a purely technical standpoint there may be little reason to
favor exactly specifying data type sizes.  From the human acceptance
standpoint, I suspect it may have a more significant impact on the

I will also add that one of the features provided by the Netscape Portable
Runtime is a set of exactly specified data type sizes.  AFAIK, the NSPR is
one of the most successful means of porting applications from one platfrom
to another. I believe that's worth considering in this context.

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Author: (Nicola Musatti)
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 19:15:17 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View (John Nagle) wrote in message news:<sfR9c.43922$>...
> Steven T. Hatton wrote:
> > Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?
>    They are in Java.
>    Are types like "uint32_t" defined by the standard?
> It would be useful to have standarized names for when
> you need to express specific sizes.

No, but they are in C99. Boost provides definitions suitable for C++.

>    We will now hear from people who run Unisys ClearPath
> servers running OS 2200 on 36-bit hardware and use 9-bit
> chars.

..or using DSP processors where char, short, int and long are all 32 bits.

Nicola Musatti

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Author: (James Kuyper)
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 19:21:03 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message news:<>...
> James Kuyper wrote:
> > The advantage is that you can write code which uses the natural
> > integer type on any platform, without having to rewrite for each
> > platform, even though the natural type might have different sizes on
> > different platforms.
> Can you provide a 'formal' definition for "natural integer type"? I'm not

The C standard makes no attempt to define it, and I'm not going to try
to second guess them. In general, you should expect it to be the
fastest integer type with at least 16 bits, but "fast" isn't a very
well-defined term, either. "fast" with respect to which operations?
The C standard (wisely in my opinion) leaves that up to the
implementor's judgement, as double-checked by the free market in

> trying to be difficult, but to some extent you beg the question. When am I
> going to really care that I'm using the natural integer type for the
> hardware?

The vast majority of the time, that's precisely what you will want.
You seldom want the system wasting a lot of time emulating int16_t on
a 32-bit platform by bit-masking, or emulating int32_t on a 16 bit
platform with expensive double-word operations, unless you have some
very specific need for precisely those bit sizes. Most of the time
what you will want is 'int', which will be 32 bits on the 32 bit
platform, and 16 bits on the 16 bit platform.

> > That's not true if you insert the appropriate checks for overflow,
> > which you would need to do anyway if you're running close to the
> > limits.
> But now I need to know if I'm running close to the limit on every possible
> hardware the program might be ported to. Since the limit on a 32 bit

Which is trivial: just compare with the *_MAX macros, and familiarize
yourself with the minimum values for those macros.

> > The only difference is that you need to #include <limits.h>,
> > and compare versus INT_MAX, rather than having a fixed value to
> > compare against that's the same on all implementations.
> That is _if_ I foresee the potential problem.

I can't improve your foresight; neither can the language.

> Can you provide a specific example of how a program might be adversely
> affected by exactly specifying the size of data types? I don't believe the

See above, where I use the word "emulate".

> C++ Standard specifies anything related to 'fastest' integer type.  I'm
> also not sure what fast and slow are in this context. Can you provide an
> example of an integer type that would be slower on one machine than on
> another simply due to size?

Yes. Any type that has to be emulated by bit-masking or double-word
operations is generally going to be slower than a type that can be
implemented directly by the hardware.

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Author: (James Kuyper)
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 19:31:42 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View (Jack Klein) wrote in message news:<>...
> On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 18:10:03 +0000 (UTC), (James
> Kuyper) wrote in comp.std.c++:
> > One problem with the C approach is that it uses the shortest name for
> > the exact-sized type. I strongly suspect that many programmers will
> > overuse the exact-sized types, when they should instead be using the
> > fast-sized or least-sized types. Using a short name for the
> > exact-sized types will only exacerbate this problem.
> I don't really see much of a problem here.  If the exact-width types
> will work, they will work everywhere they are needed.  If they are not
> available on a particular implementation, the compiler will inform the
> programmer immediately.  Then a change to the "least" or "fastest"
> type is only a global search and replace.

No, it's not just a global search and replace. Careful consideration
needs to be made, in each instance, what the correct replacement for
the unavailable type should be. Corresponding uses of *_MAX and *_MIN
macros need to be changed accordingly. Care must be taken to ensure
that decisions made in different parts of the code are compatible with
each other. Format codes for printf() family calls may also need
updating; and I know from experience that many programmers have
trouble figuring out the correct way to update such calls.

I've not seen the <stdint.h> header in actual use yet. However, I have
seen people work on code which mistakenly assumed that int==long,
which was compiled using a compiler which tolerated that assumption.
When they had to port it to a platform where int!=long, they would do
things like convert printf("%d", i) to printf("%d", (int)i). That's
appropriate in some contexts, where you know that 'i' will never be
greater than INT_MAX; but it's the best general solution is
printf("%ld", i). I expect lots of similar problems when people change
int16_t to int_fast16_t.

More importantly, the person who sees the problem might not be the
original developer; might not even have access to that developer, and
might not be inclined to create their own site-specific version of
code developed elsewhere. They might have no idea whether or not the
code actually requires exact-sized types, in which case it would
simple be inappopriate for their platform.

Making int16_t the fast-sized type would have created a small but real
tendency to use the fast-sized types more frequently than they will be
used with the actual <stdint.h>. I think that would have been a good
thing, overall; YMMV. In any event, it's too late now to change that
feature of C. However, if C++ doesn't just adopt <stdint.h> wholesale,
it might be something to consider when deciding how to name the
equivalent feature in C++.

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Author: (James Kuyper)
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 19:31:52 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View (Nils Petter Vaskinn) wrote in message news:<>...
> On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 23:33:46 +0000, Steven T. Hatton wrote:
> > My understanding is that the C Standard now specifies what the default sizes
> > are for fundamental types.
> Incorrect, but there are standardized names for other types that have a
> defined size. But they are not the fundamental types.
> If I have understood correctly he compiler+library may or may not provide
> them. eg uint32_t is guaranteed to either be 32 bits or not defined. While
> int_least_64t is guaranteed to be 64 bits or more (if it exists at all,
> since the hardware may not support 64 bit types)

Not quite. A type with at least 64 bits (long long) is mandatory for
C99. However, if long long isn't exactly 64 bits, has trap
representations, or doesn't have 2's complement representation, an
implementation may be exempted from the requirement of providing

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Author: (Pete Becker)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 18:32:15 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
"Steven T. Hatton" wrote:
> Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?
> This was explained to me in my first programming courses many years ago.
> The explanation was something like: 'not all hardware supports the same
> size fundamental data storage unit'.  Usually followed by the professor
> mumbling something unintelligible.

Other than the last sentence, that's correct. The goal of C and C++ is
to make it easier to write robust, fast code.

> It seems to me, in today's world, technology is sufficiently advanced to
> support a layer of abstraction which would provide a mapping between any
> specified size of data type and the physical storage units.

It certainly could be done. Indeed, Java imposes exact requirements on
all fundamental types, and the result is that floating point math on
Intel systems is horrendously slow, because the required semantics don't
match the hardware.


Pete Becker
Dinkumware, Ltd. (

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Author: (James Kuyper)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 19:00:16 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message news:<>...
> James Kuyper wrote:
> > ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message
> Typically I expect most programmers have a fair sense of their target
> platform(s), and could chose appropriate sizes to match the targets.  OTOH,

Then you're not talking about portable code, in which the size of
'int' is constant - that constant value is defined by the implementors
for that platform, rather than by the standard, but it is constant for
that platform.

> if there really is a need to adjust from one platform to another, it seems
> a typedef would work. ...

That's precisely what the new size-named types in <stdint.h> for C99
are. They're a better solution than the original type names, but the
originals still need to be retained for backward compatibility.

> >> That is _if_ I foresee the potential problem.
> >
> > I can't improve your foresight; neither can the language.
> No, but it is conceivable the language could obviate the need to consider
> such matters.

You can concieve it, but you'd be wrong. The correct handling of
overly-large values is always context-dependent; for many applications
it doesn't even need to be thought of.

> >> Can you provide a specific example of how a program might be adversely
> >> affected by exactly specifying the size of data types? I don't believe
> >> the
> > See above, where I use the word "emulate".
> I mean something along the lines of actual benchmarks.

Benchmarks are always platform-dependent. If you can accept a
platform-dependent answer to your question, then 'int' is fixed for
that platform, and the problem you're worrying about disappears. The
size of 'int' is variable only in the context of the need to port code
to multiple platforms.

If you need to know precisely which type is fastest, and by how much,
you'll need to consider changing data types for each platform that you
port it to, no matter what the standard promises about the different
data types. The interactions can get complicated: a larger data type
might process faster because it's the natural word size for the
platform, yet still end up slowing the program down overall, because
it requires more space in memory or on disk.

You can use 'int' if you're not going to re-write for each platform,
but only if the vague promise that 'int' is the natural type for each
platform is good enough for your purposes. The new C99 size-named
types that contain "fast" in the name are more appropriate than 'int'
for most such purposes; I hope that something like them gets adopted
into C++.

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Author: ("Steven T. Hatton")
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 01:43:04 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
Pete Becker wrote:

> "Steven T. Hatton" wrote:
>> Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?
>> This was explained to me in my first programming courses many years ago.
>> The explanation was something like: 'not all hardware supports the same
>> size fundamental data storage unit'.  Usually followed by the professor
>> mumbling something unintelligible.
> Other than the last sentence, that's correct. The goal of C and C++ is
> to make it easier to write robust, fast code.

I had a number of professors who weren't particularly fond of the feature.

> It certainly could be done. Indeed, Java imposes exact requirements on
> all fundamental types, and the result is that floating point math on
> Intel systems is horrendously slow, because the required semantics don't
> match the hardware.
My questions are these:

* Why did the Java (and C# designers AFAIK) choose to exactly specify these
* What actual experimentation has been done to quantify the impact of
specifying the exact size of these types?
* Is it reasonable to provide both a set of exactly specified types, and a
set of adaptive types?

My two concerns are 1) the psychological impact on people who are trying to
chose a language to learn, or to use on a project. 2) Determining if there
is a real and significant risk involved in porting software written using
the current adaptive types of C++?

My comments about the consequences on something as vital as a manned space
mission are not wholly unfounded. I am aware of one case in which an
unmanned vehicle was lost due to an error involving a loop counter, and
another case in which a vehicle was lost due to the use of incompatible
measurement units by different teams working on the same project.

I once built a computer system for NASA.  After we built systems, we ran
tests on them to deternine if they would fail under a load.  The system in
question locked up during one of the tests.  My supervisor assured me the
problem was in the test, not in the hardware.  I was not 100% convinced.
Nonetheless, I boxed up the system and delivered it to Goddard Space Flight
Center.  When I got to Goddard, I was directed to the building containing
the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle. I was told to set the system up on a
table next to the controls for the robotic arm used by the Shuttle.

I was then asked to remove the cover of the system and install some
customized hardware created by GSFC.  I asked what they were planning to
use the system for.  He said "telemetry for experiments involving the
robotic arm."  That was *not* a pleasant experience.

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Author: (Nicola Musatti)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 19:52:15 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message news:<>...
> Pete Becker wrote:
> I had a number of professors who weren't particularly fond of the feature.

Fondness strikes me as a curious way to measure suitability. In a
reasonably well designed language each feature is the result of
compromise between different goals and constraints. If you do not
share these goals, you probably should look for a different language,
better suited for your needs.

> > It certainly could be done. Indeed, Java imposes exact requirements on
> > all fundamental types, and the result is that floating point math on
> > Intel systems is horrendously slow, because the required semantics don't
> > match the hardware.
> >
> My questions are these:
> * Why did the Java (and C# designers AFAIK) choose to exactly specify these
> values?

Maybe you should ask them, shouldn't you? :-) Their main assumption
appears to be that the increase in portability is worth the cost of a
thicker abstraction layer above the machine. Note that in the area of
floating point calculations this was determined afterwards not to be
the case, and the specification was relaxed in favour of performance.

> My two concerns are 1) the psychological impact on people who are trying to
> chose a language to learn, or to use on a project.

People having problems overcoming such a psychological impact should
probably give up programming completely.

> 2) Determining if there is a real and significant risk involved in porting
> software written using the current adaptive types of C++?

Of course there is. It is well known and should be taken into account
when porting.

> My comments about the consequences on something as vital as a manned space
> mission are not wholly unfounded. I am aware of one case in which an
> unmanned vehicle was lost due to an error involving a loop counter, and
> another case in which a vehicle was lost due to the use of incompatible
> measurement units by different teams working on the same project.

This says more about the inadequacy of the process and/or the people
involved than about the chosen language. In my opinion the more
complex a piece of software is the more the impact of programming
errors is reduced with respect with process errors (e.g.
misunderstanding on requirements, design or architectural errors,
insufficient testing, etc.). No set of language features can
compensate the effect of ignorance, laziness and stupidity.

> I once built a computer system for NASA.  After we built systems, we ran
> tests on them to deternine if they would fail under a load.  The system in
> question locked up during one of the tests.  My supervisor assured me the
> problem was in the test, not in the hardware.  I was not 100% convinced.
> Nonetheless, I boxed up the system and delivered it to Goddard Space Flight
> Center.  When I got to Goddard, I was directed to the building containing
> the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle. I was told to set the system up on a
> table next to the controls for the robotic arm used by the Shuttle.
> I was then asked to remove the cover of the system and install some
> customized hardware created by GSFC.  I asked what they were planning to
> use the system for.  He said "telemetry for experiments involving the
> robotic arm."  That was *not* a pleasant experience.

But it did work, didn't it?

Nicola Musatti

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Author: (Michiel Salters)
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 00:10:42 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message news:<>...
> Pete Becker wrote:
> > "Steven T. Hatton" wrote:
> >>
> >> Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?
> >>
> >> This was explained to me in my first programming courses many years ago.
> >> The explanation was something like: 'not all hardware supports the same
> >> size fundamental data storage unit'.  Usually followed by the professor
> >> mumbling something unintelligible.
> >
> > Other than the last sentence, that's correct. The goal of C and C++ is
> > to make it easier to write robust, fast code.
> I had a number of professors who weren't particularly fond of the feature.

Of course. Professors are humans, and also make mistakes. C and C++ have
steeper penalties for mistakes, and more rewards (eg. speed/size) for
correctness. If you don't need the advantages, why risk anything?

> > It certainly could be done. Indeed, Java imposes exact requirements on
> > all fundamental types, and the result is that floating point math on
> > Intel systems is horrendously slow, because the required semantics don't
> > match the hardware.
> >
> My questions are these:
> * Why did the Java (and C# designers AFAIK) choose to exactly specify these
> values?

Because they were designing a language that was designed to complement C++,
not to replace it. Consider a language just like C++, but with all
identifiers changed to uppercase. You could use it everywhere where C++
is appropriate, but it wouldn't be used - because it is precisely what we
already have. Anything new differs, that is what new means.

> * What actual experimentation has been done to quantify the impact of
> specifying the exact size of these types?

The transition from Win16 to Win32 comes to mind. Anyone assuming that
the whole world was a 16 bits 8086 was hurt. The next obvious case will
be Win64 (although the impact will be lower there, int stays 32 bits).

> * Is it reasonable to provide both a set of exactly specified types, and a
> set of adaptive types?

Sure, see the C99 comments.

> My two concerns are 1) the psychological impact on people who are trying to
> chose a language to learn, or to use on a project. 2) Determining if there
> is a real and significant risk involved in porting software written using
> the current adaptive types of C++?

1) is simply handled in teaching. 2) is obvious. There is a risk, as you
might uncover errors in existing code. That is typical for all porting.

> My comments about the consequences on something as vital as a manned space
> mission are not wholly unfounded. I am aware of one case in which an
> unmanned vehicle was lost due to an error involving a loop counter, and
> another case in which a vehicle was lost due to the use of incompatible
> measurement units by different teams working on the same project.

In such cases, you must control our code carefully. In particular, every
expression in your code must be validated for correctness. Range checks
are just one item, just as checking for division by 0. Do you want to
add types without a representation of 0, just so you don't have to check
those divisions?

Michiel Salters

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Author: (Pete Becker)
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 00:10:59 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
"Steven T. Hatton" wrote:
> * Why did the Java (and C# designers AFAIK) choose to exactly specify these
> values?

Stupidity? Arrogance? Different design goals?

> * What actual experimentation has been done to quantify the impact of
> specifying the exact size of these types?

> * Is it reasonable to provide both a set of exactly specified types, and a
> set of adaptive types?

Only if you ignore the psychological impact on people who are trying to
choose a language to learn, or to use on a project. Such complexity is

> My two concerns are 1) the psychological impact on people who are trying to
> chose a language to learn, or to use on a project. 2) Determining if there
> is a real and significant risk involved in porting software written using
> the current adaptive types of C++?

If you don't know how to do it, it's dangerous.

> My comments about the consequences on something as vital as a manned space
> mission are not wholly unfounded. I am aware of one case in which an
> unmanned vehicle was lost due to an error involving a loop counter, and
> another case in which a vehicle was lost due to the use of incompatible
> measurement units by different teams working on the same project.

Yup: programmers make mistakes. Languages can't change that. Robust
development processes can compensate for it.

> I once built a computer system for NASA.  After we built systems, we ran
> tests on them to deternine if they would fail under a load.  The system in
> question locked up during one of the tests.  My supervisor assured me the
> problem was in the test, not in the hardware.  I was not 100% convinced.
> Nonetheless, I boxed up the system and delivered it to Goddard Space Flight
> Center.  When I got to Goddard, I was directed to the building containing
> the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle. I was told to set the system up on a
> table next to the controls for the robotic arm used by the Shuttle.
> I was then asked to remove the cover of the system and install some
> customized hardware created by GSFC.  I asked what they were planning to
> use the system for.  He said "telemetry for experiments involving the
> robotic arm."  That was *not* a pleasant experience.

How does this relate to your desire for exactly specified numeric types?
Ignoring test results is a process failure.


Pete Becker
Dinkumware, Ltd. (

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Author: (John Nagle)
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 14:55:43 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
Pete Becker wrote:
> "Steven T. Hatton" wrote:
>>* Why did the Java (and C# designers AFAIK) choose to exactly specify these
> Stupidity? Arrogance? Different design goals?

    The realization that neither Sun nor Microsoft needs
to support 36-bit mainframes?

    The 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 60-bit machines are essentially
dead.  Other than Unisys ClearPath mainframes and some older
DSPs, very few non-power-of-two machines are still manufactured.

    John Nagle

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Author: (Francis Glassborow)
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 21:05:12 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
In article <>, Michiel
Salters <> writes
>The transition from Win16 to Win32 comes to mind. Anyone assuming that
>the whole world was a 16 bits 8086 was hurt. The next obvious case will
>be Win64 (although the impact will be lower there, int stays 32 bits).

And, I believe, we already see the problem in several other languages
that chose to make the character representation type 16 bits wide whicc
is insufficient for a 'flat' mapping of Unicode (or ISO 10646)

Francis Glassborow      ACCU
Author of 'You Can Do It!' see
For project ideas and contributions:

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Author: ("Steven T. Hatton")
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 14:45:03 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
Pete Becker wrote:

> "Steven T. Hatton" wrote:
>> * Why did the Java (and C# designers AFAIK) choose to exactly specify
>> these values?
> Stupidity? Arrogance?

Neither of these seem to be reasonable explanations.

> Different design goals?

What design goals would have led to the choices they made? I believe it's
noteworthey that two general purpose programming languages which both drew
heavily from C/C++ have the exact size of fundamental types specified.
These people who made the decisions are not stupid.  Stupid people cannot
design successful programming languages.

>> * What actual experimentation has been done to quantify the impact of
>> specifying the exact size of these types?

I didn't see anything in the article directly addressing my question. It
directly addresses Java's chosen approach to floating point math. Some of
the assertions of the authors are nothing more than a rejection of the
unfamiliar. You may find the following somewhat amusing in this context:

I have since learned of good reasons for the choices made by the designers
of the vecmath package.  But this is a digression, and does not address the

>> * Is it reasonable to provide both a set of exactly specified types, and
>> a set of adaptive types?
> Only if you ignore the psychological impact on people who are trying to
> choose a language to learn, or to use on a project. Such complexity is
> daunting.

Perhaps. Perhaps it's an issue of presentation.

>> My two concerns are 1) the psychological impact on people who are trying
>> to chose a language to learn, or to use on a project. 2) Determining if
>> there is a real and significant risk involved in porting software written
>> using the current adaptive types of C++?
> If you don't know how to do it, it's dangerous.

What if you don't realize it needs to be addressed?

I will observe the article you referenced above gave yet another example of
how a computer program led to the loss of an astronautical vehicle. That
strengthens my case that human error regarding software can lead to costly
mishaps. So far I have not seen where people have addressed my fundamental

> How does this relate to your desire for exactly specified numeric types?

It relates to the topic at hand in so much as it gives a real world example
of how decisions that can impact vital missions are actually made.

> Ignoring test results is a process failure.

The person who assured me the problem was due to a fault in the test didn't
ignore the test result.  He simply believed (probably correctly) that the
errant result was due to a fault in the OS, not in the hardware. It was an
informed decision. So far in this discussion I have not seen a great deal
of evidence to support the view that the C++ design decisions under
discussion have been carefully examined.

I will observe that I have not explicitly stated the choices made by the C++
Committy were wrong.  I have merely called them into question so that I
might be confident that the best choice was made.

I've been in situations where my input weighed hevily in choosing things
such as a programming language to use on a major DoD project. If I ask a
language J expert if there is a risk R involving the use of language J, and
she confidently says "no", and explains why, then I ask a C++ expert the
same question about C++ and he says "Only if you're an idiot", I am likely
to favor language J.


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Author: (James Kuyper)
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 14:45:03 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message news:<>...
> Pete Becker wrote:
> > Other than the last sentence, that's correct. The goal of C and C++ is
> > to make it easier to write robust, fast code.
> I had a number of professors who weren't particularly fond of the feature.

To each his own. That's why C and C++ are NOT the only languages on
the market.

> > It certainly could be done. Indeed, Java imposes exact requirements on
> > all fundamental types, and the result is that floating point math on
> > Intel systems is horrendously slow, because the required semantics don't
> > match the hardware.
> >
> My questions are these:
> * Why did the Java (and C# designers AFAIK) choose to exactly specify these
> values?

Because they had different goals and priorities than the C designers.
Those goals and priorities may make Java a superior language for some
purposes; but they make it a worse one for others.

> * Is it reasonable to provide both a set of exactly specified types, and a
> set of adaptive types?


> My two concerns are 1) the psychological impact on people who are trying to
> chose a language to learn, or to use on a project.

> ... 2) Determining if there
> is a real and significant risk involved in porting software written using
> the current adaptive types of C++?

Yes, of course. There's also a risk when using non-adaptive types.
They're pretty much inverse risks. The risk with the adaptive types is
that you might really need a fixed-sized type, in which case you'll
need to change the code for different platforms. The risk with
fixed-size types is that you might not need a fixed-size type, in
which case you might fail to use the best type for a given platform
because you're forcing it to use a less efficient type.

That's why a combination of exact-sized and adaptive types is a better

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Author: ("Bo Persson")
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 14:45:03 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
""Steven T. Hatton"" <> skrev i meddelandet
> Pete Becker wrote:
> > "Steven T. Hatton" wrote:
> >>
> >> Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?
> >>
> >> This was explained to me in my first programming courses many years
> >> The explanation was something like: 'not all hardware supports the same
> >> size fundamental data storage unit'.  Usually followed by the professor
> >> mumbling something unintelligible.
> >
> > Other than the last sentence, that's correct. The goal of C and C++ is
> > to make it easier to write robust, fast code.
> I had a number of professors who weren't particularly fond of the feature.
> > It certainly could be done. Indeed, Java imposes exact requirements on
> > all fundamental types, and the result is that floating point math on
> > Intel systems is horrendously slow, because the required semantics don't
> > match the hardware.
> >
> My questions are these:
> * Why did the Java (and C# designers AFAIK) choose to exactly specify
> values?

Because they, like you, thought it would be a good idea?

> * What actual experimentation has been done to quantify the impact of
> specifying the exact size of these types?

Try this "How Java's Floating-Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere":

> * Is it reasonable to provide both a set of exactly specified types, and a
> set of adaptive types?

But what sizes?

We are back again at our old 36 bit machines. Why would you like them to
give you *exactly* 32 bits in an int?

> My comments about the consequences on something as vital as a manned space
> mission are not wholly unfounded. I am aware of one case in which an
> unmanned vehicle was lost due to an error involving a loop counter, and
> another case in which a vehicle was lost due to the use of incompatible
> measurement units by different teams working on the same project.

The latter was because one system used feet and another system used meters.
Having a fixed value size would hardly help here.

Bo Persson

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Author: (Dave Harris)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 16:09:51 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote (abridged):
> * Why did the Java (and C# designers AFAIK) choose to exactly specify
> these values?

One of the Java design goals was "write once, run anywhere", meaning the
behaviour of a Java program should be identical across all platforms
(apart from issues of performance and concurrency). In particular they
wanted it to be easy to get exactly the same arithmetic computations, so
they specified the precision of integers and floats exactly.

They felt cross-platform consistency was worth sacrificing performance
for. Later they backed away from that stance on floating point, and of
concurrency issues make it moot anyway, as do JVM bugs and variations in
standard library implementations.

C++ design goals were different. They include "What you don't use, you
don't pay for" and "Leave no room for a lower-level language below C++
(except assembler)". So C++ cannot have a mandatory numeric abstraction
layer; on some platforms it would be too inefficient for C++'s goals.

> * What actual experimentation has been done to quantify the impact of
> specifying the exact size of these types?

I don't know. I imagine lots, in that any CPU processor which lacks, eg,
integers >= 32-bits will need to emulate them, so the costs of doing so
must be well known. It hardly matters, in that any cost goes against the
design goals.

> * Is it reasonable to provide both a set of exactly specified types,
> and a set of adaptive types?

That is the direction C and C++ seem to be heading. It gets complicated,

An alternative is for the language to provide better support for variable
precision integers. If you are more concerned about safety, portability
and convenience than performance, this could be a better approach.

-- Dave Harris, Nottingham, UK

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Author: ("Steven T. Hatton")
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 19:19:53 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
James Kuyper wrote:

> ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message

>> not trying to be difficult, but to some extent you beg the question. When
>> am
>> I going to really care that I'm using the natural integer type for the
>> hardware?
> The vast majority of the time, that's precisely what you will want.
> You seldom want the system wasting a lot of time emulating int16_t on
> a 32-bit platform by bit-masking, or emulating int32_t on a 16 bit
> platform with expensive double-word operations, unless you have some
> very specific need for precisely those bit sizes. Most of the time
> what you will want is 'int', which will be 32 bits on the 32 bit
> platform, and 16 bits on the 16 bit platform.

Typically I expect most programmers have a fair sense of their target
platform(s), and could chose appropriate sizes to match the targets.  OTOH,
if there really is a need to adjust from one platform to another, it seems
a typedef would work. What kind of empirical evidence is available to show
the impact of masking on performance?  How is char handled in a typical

> ..
>> > That's not true if you insert the appropriate checks for overflow,
>> > which you would need to do anyway if you're running close to the
>> > limits.
>> But now I need to know if I'm running close to the limit on every
>> possible hardware the program might be ported to. Since the limit on a 32
>> bit
> Which is trivial: just compare with the *_MAX macros, and familiarize
> yourself with the minimum values for those macros.

Yes, I'm sure it's all trivial in comparison to what I know now.  I have
well over a decade of systems administration experience. But that wasn't
the case when I started my Computer Science program. Imagine a student
takes a C++ course where the professor lectures for half an hour describing
the C++ fundamental datatype specification, and then half an hour
describing the consequences of getting it wrong.  Mind you, in my case,
getting it wrong on my previous job meant getting killed.  When I said I
worked with equipment the generated 36,000 volts, I meant that I actually
went into the cabinets and replaced the parts which produced that
potential.  This was not an office job.

At that time there were few viable alternatives to C/C++, but the
uncertainty that placed in my mind was discouraging. I know I'm not alone
in having such misgivings.  Many people making decisions regarding what
programming language to chose for a particular task have the same doubts.
When they look at another language and see clearly specified data types
they feel more confident.

>> That is _if_ I foresee the potential problem.
> I can't improve your foresight; neither can the language.

No, but it is conceivable the language could obviate the need to consider
such matters.

> ..
>> Can you provide a specific example of how a program might be adversely
>> affected by exactly specifying the size of data types? I don't believe
>> the
> See above, where I use the word "emulate".

I mean something along the lines of actual benchmarks. Sure, I want my
programs to run as fast as possible.  I'm probably more likely to care
about such things than 95% of all programmers.  I tend to do a lot of
things that require heavy number crunching, such as 3D graphics involving
finite element approaches to deformable continue.

>> C++ Standard specifies anything related to 'fastest' integer type.  I'm
>> also not sure what fast and slow are in this context. Can you provide an
>> example of an integer type that would be slower on one machine than on
>> another simply due to size?
> Yes. Any type that has to be emulated by bit-masking or double-word
> operations is generally going to be slower than a type that can be
> implemented directly by the hardware.

I am really interested in scientific measurement.

My concern is with the psychological effect these matters have on language
acceptance, as well as the potential for serious adverse consequences
resulting from miscalculation.  If NASA can mangage to lose a spaceprobe
because one team used SI to do their computations and the other used the
archaic system, it is certainly possible more subtle mistakes can be made.

It's difficult for me to quantify the cost of such things, but the arguments
about performance being adversely affected by masking integer data types
should be fairly easy to asses, at least for restricted cases.  Has anybody
ever done anything but handwaving when making these decisions? Do you want
to be the person the world points to when NASA loses a manned spaceship
because of an oversite in porting a program which could have been avoided
by taking a different approach to language design?  I honestly don't know
what the risks are, nor do I know what the performance costs are likely to
be.  I /do/ believe there are risks involved, and I haven't seen any real
research on the subject.

If that research has been conducted, and people have consulted it when
making these decision, then I would like to know.

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Author: (Pete Becker)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2004 00:14:45 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
"Steven T. Hatton" wrote:
> But now I need to know if I'm running close to the limit on every possible
> hardware the program might be ported to. Since the limit on a 32 bit
> counter is significantly different from a 16 bit counter, being close to
> the limit is not a clearly defined concept in my mind.

#define MAX_REPS /* whatever */
typedef int counter;
#error bad assumption about int size

> > The only difference is that you need to #include <limits.h>,
> > and compare versus INT_MAX, rather than having a fixed value to
> > compare against that's the same on all implementations.
> That is _if_ I foresee the potential problem.

Yup. That's your job.

> Can you provide a specific example of how a program might be adversely
> affected by exactly specifying the size of data types?

I gave the example earlier of the Java requirements on floating point
types: they're horrendously slow on Intel processors, because they don't
match the native mode of the CPU.


Pete Becker
Dinkumware, Ltd. (

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Author: (Pete Becker)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2004 00:15:00 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
"Steven T. Hatton" wrote:
> I would
> really like to know if people do have objections to standardizing the
> fundamental types based on powers of 2.

They are standardized based on powers of 2. unsigned char must be able
to represent values in the range [0,2^8). unsigned short and unsigned
int must be able to represent values in the range [0,2^16). unsigned
long must be able to represent values in the range [0,2^32).
Implementations are permitted to represent larger ranges, but if you
want to write portable code you stick to the standardized ranges.


Pete Becker
Dinkumware, Ltd. (

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Author: (Pete Becker)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2004 17:23:32 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
"Steven T. Hatton" wrote:
> The disadvantage is not knowing what a variable might do on a particular
> platform.  For example, I might use a particular size numerical type on one
> machine where doesn't overflow when used as a loop counter, thus behaving
> as expected.  When the program is ported to a machine with a smaller size
> defined for the same typename, the same variable might overflow
> unpredictably

That is, if you don't write portable code, then your code is not
portable. <g> The answer is to be aware of the minimum sizes of the
fundamental types in C and C++, and to write code that works correctly
with those sizes.


Pete Becker
Dinkumware, Ltd. (

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Author: ("Steven T. Hatton")
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 06:04:04 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?

This was explained to me in my first programming courses many years ago.
The explanation was something like: 'not all hardware supports the same
size fundamental data storage unit'.  Usually followed by the professor
mumbling something unintelligible.

It seems to me, in today's world, technology is sufficiently advanced to
support a layer of abstraction which would provide a mapping between any
specified size of data type and the physical storage units.  There may be
embedded systems with special needs which would require some deviation from
a default size specified by the standard.  Such situations could very
easily be handled by a specified means of changing the configuration to
suit the hardware.

In my experience as a student, the nature of the C/C++ fundamental type
specification was an obstacle to my embracing the languages.  It introduced
a sense of fundamental doubt at the onset of learning the language.  I
don't know how much real-world consequence that feature of the
specification may have, or when I am likely to encounter a situation where
I need to address it in detail.  IOW, I still have fundamental mistrust of
that aspect of the language.

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Author: (John Nagle)
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 18:09:11 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
Steven T. Hatton wrote:
> Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?

   They are in Java.

   Are types like "uint32_t" defined by the standard?
It would be useful to have standarized names for when
you need to express specific sizes.

   We will now hear from people who run Unisys ClearPath
servers running OS 2200 on 36-bit hardware and use 9-bit

    John Nagle

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Author: (James Kuyper)
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 18:10:03 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message news:<>...
> Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?
> This was explained to me in my first programming courses many years ago.
> The explanation was something like: 'not all hardware supports the same
> size fundamental data storage unit'.  Usually followed by the professor
> mumbling something unintelligible.

The idea was that if you wrote a program using 'int', it would always
be the natural data type for whichever machine you were using. Using a
type that is smaller than the natural word size for a given machine
can be signficantly less efficient.

However, the original type system handled such issues poorly, and C99
supplemented it in a way that covers the issue I've just raised.
int16_t is a type with exactly 16 bits. int_least16_t is the smallest
type with at least 16 bits (for instance, on a 9-bit machine, that
would be an 18-bit type). int_fast16_t is the fastest type with at
least 16 bits (on a 32-bit machine, that might be a 32-bit type).

The next release of C++ should contain something similar, if only for
compatibility with C99. However, in C++ a different syntax might be
more appropriate. The following approach can be easily implemented
within the current language:

template<size_t bits> Int{
    // Default implementation is empty.

template Int<16>{
    typedef int fast;
    typedef short exact;
    typedef short least;

One problem with the C approach is that it uses the shortest name for
the exact-sized type. I strongly suspect that many programmers will
overuse the exact-sized types, when they should instead be using the
fast-sized or least-sized types. Using a short name for the
exact-sized types will only exacerbate this problem.

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Author: (Nicola Musatti)
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 18:42:26 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message news:<>...
> Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?
> This was explained to me in my first programming courses many years ago.
> The explanation was something like: 'not all hardware supports the same
> size fundamental data storage unit'.  Usually followed by the professor
> mumbling something unintelligible.

The first computer I programmed on at the university had a 36 bit
word; it was a rather popular computer back then; we're lucky int's
are not 36 bits by rule of standard.

> It seems to me, in today's world, technology is sufficiently advanced to
> support a layer of abstraction which would provide a mapping between any
> specified size of data type and the physical storage units.  There may be
> embedded systems with special needs which would require some deviation from
> a default size specified by the standard.  Such situations could very
> easily be handled by a specified means of changing the configuration to
> suit the hardware.

Java provides such an abstraction layer, and has its place. So have
languages such as C++ and C that do not, and instead let you use
what's more natural on the computer you're using.

> In my experience as a student, the nature of the C/C++ fundamental type
> specification was an obstacle to my embracing the languages.  It introduced
> a sense of fundamental doubt at the onset of learning the language.  I
> don't know how much real-world consequence that feature of the
> specification may have, or when I am likely to encounter a situation where
> I need to address it in detail.  IOW, I still have fundamental mistrust of
> that aspect of the language.

I was about to suggest that you switch to a language you feel more
confortable with, but I changed my mind. I believe that learning to
overcome the kind of insecurity you describe is a great exercise for
improving as a programmer.

Nicola Musatti

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Author: ("Steven T. Hatton")
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 23:33:46 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
Nicola Musatti wrote:

> ("Steven T. Hatton") wrote in message
> news:<>...
>> Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?

> Java provides such an abstraction layer, and has its place. So have
> languages such as C++ and C that do not, and instead let you use
> what's more natural on the computer you're using.

My understanding is that the C Standard now specifies what the default sizes
are for fundamental types. An abstraction layer is different from a virtual
machine.  An abstraction layer merely provides some kind of mapping between
hardware and source code.  That can be done by the compiler. My response to
the notion that it actually provides an advantage to have the values
unspecified is to ask what that advantage is.

The disadvantage is not knowing what a variable might do on a particular
platform.  For example, I might use a particular size numerical type on one
machine where doesn't overflow when used as a loop counter, thus behaving
as expected.  When the program is ported to a machine with a smaller size
defined for the same typename, the same variable might overflow

If optimization is really important enough to warrant carefully matching the
size of fundamental types to the hardware, then in that rare situation
there should be a proscribed mechanism for making that adjustment.  IOW,
the exceptional case should be treated exceptionally.

> I was about to suggest that you switch to a language you feel more
> confortable with, but I changed my mind. I believe that learning to
> overcome the kind of insecurity you describe is a great exercise for
> improving as a programmer.

The first digital system I worked on professionally was a networked system
of aircraft tracking and engagement devices.  The device I worked on the
most had a cabinet with circuitry producing a potential of 36,000 volts.
That is by no means the only way you could get killed working on the
system.  One of the most interesting ways to get killed was to experience
system failure in a combat situation.  Perhaps my standards of reliability
are higher than a university environment instills.

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Author: ("Steven T. Hatton")
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 05:04:12 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
John Nagle wrote:

> Steven T. Hatton wrote:
>> Why are fundamental type sizes not exactly specified?
>    They are in Java.
>    Are types like "uint32_t" defined by the standard?
> It would be useful to have standarized names for when
> you need to express specific sizes.
>    We will now hear from people who run Unisys ClearPath
> servers running OS 2200 on 36-bit hardware and use 9-bit
> chars.
That was certainly part of the objective of asking the question.  I would
really like to know if people do have objections to standardizing the
fundamental types based on powers of 2.  I also like the suggestion of
displaying the size of the variable in the type name.  Some may find that
inelegant, but I find it rather sensible to present the programmer with
such information.  I saw a post about having long long long long int, and
wondered when someone would finally declare 'enough is enough'.


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