Topic: stl and basic types default constructors
Author: (Francois Dumont)
Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 02:33:50 +0000 (UTC) Raw View
> >
> > I need a confirmation. According the standard should:
> >
> > std::vector<int> intVector(10);
> >
> > be a vector full of 0?
> >
> > I already check some topics about basic types default constructor but
> > haven't found anything about their behavior inside the STL.
> The values have the default value of the type, which is in this case 'int',
> and the default value for 'int' is 0, ie. int i(); sets i to 0.
Thanks for the answer but it made me thought about an other point. Do
pointers have default value?
std::vector<int*> intPtrVector(10);
be full of null pointers?
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Author: (James Dennett)
Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 22:01:20 +0000 (UTC) Raw View
Francois Dumont wrote:
>>>I need a confirmation. According the standard should:
>>>std::vector<int> intVector(10);
>>>be a vector full of 0?
>>>I already check some topics about basic types default constructor but
>>>haven't found anything about their behavior inside the STL.
>>The values have the default value of the type, which is in this case 'int',
>>and the default value for 'int' is 0, ie. int i(); sets i to 0.
> Thanks for the answer but it made me thought about an other point. Do
> pointers have default value?
> Should
> std::vector<int*> intPtrVector(10);
> be full of null pointers?
Yes, but note that this question would be more appropriate
for comp.lang.c++.moderated. Followups set accordingly.
The declaration of intPtrVector above is roughly equivalent to
typedef int* ptr_to_int;
std::vector<int*> intPtrVector(10, ptr_to_int());
and ptr_to_int() gives a null pointer. As a technicality,
the elements of the container are copy constructed from the
one default constructed argument (whether explicitly
supplied or from the default argument), rather than being
default constructed themselves.
-- James.
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Author: ("Romulus Marius Mare")
Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 17:38:44 +0000 (UTC) Raw View
> std::vector<int*> intPtrVector(10);
> be full of null pointers?
I am not sure but the standard in 8.5 paragraph 5 says:
To zero-initialize storage for an object of type T means:
- if T is scalar type (3.9), the storage is set to the value of 0 (zero)
converted to T.
In 3.9 I can see that int* is a scalar type.
As I understand the standard the answer to your question IMHO should be yes.
I should do some tests with some compilers to really check this.
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