Topic: proposal: format function for ostream

Author: (VAdim)
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 21:39:35 +0000 (UTC)
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I have the implementation for that function for myself.
It something like yours, but less nice.

Goal of this function is to simplify formatted output


printf( "%8.3f %5.2f %4d", f, g, d );

will be VERY ugly in streams.

Sincerely Yours,

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Author: ("Richard Smith")
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 03:38:51 +0000 (UTC)
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"VAdim" <> wrote in message

> Goal of this function is to simplify formatted output
> converting
> printf( "%8.3f %5.2f %4d", f, g, d );
> will be VERY ugly in streams.

There's always boost::format.  This allows you to write

  std::cout << boost::format( "%8.3f %5.2f %d" ) % f % g % d;

If you consider the stdio version to be less ugly than the iostream version,
you'd probably like this.  Personally, I've always found the iostream
versions less ugly, but perhaps that is because I rarely write heavily
numerical code, and so don't often find myself concerned with the

Richard Smith

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Author: (Derek Ross)
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 03:38:56 +0000 (UTC)
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The boost website has a "format" library that emulates much of the
printf formatting. More info here:

VAdim wrote:
> HI,
> I have the implementation for that function for myself.
> It something like yours, but less nice.
> Goal of this function is to simplify formatted output
> converting
> printf( "%8.3f %5.2f %4d", f, g, d );
> will be VERY ugly in streams.
> Sincerely Yours,
> Vadim
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Author: (VAdim)
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 16:16:32 CST
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Hi All,

My proposal is to include simple format function into std::


double f;

cout << setw( 8 ) << precision(3) << f << endl;

I'd prefer:

cout << fmt( f, 8, 3 ) << endl;

that function fmt( T& f, new_width, new_precision = 0 )
 save current width/precision;
 if new_width !=0 set new width;
 if new_precision > 0 set new precision;
 out f;
 restore width/precision;

Sincerely Yours,

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Author: ("Richard Smith")
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 22:08:11 +0000 (UTC)
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"VAdim" <> wrote in message

> instead:
> double f;
> cout << setw( 8 ) << precision(3) << f << endl;

setprecision, surely?

> I'd prefer:
> cout << fmt( f, 8, 3 ) << endl;

There's nothing to stop you writing your own version, outside of the std
namespace (see below), but I'm not sure that this achieves anything other
than an unecessary change of syntax.  Also, I'm not sure that the handling
of the zero widths and precisions is ideal as you've specified them.  (Your
specification means that

  cout << setw(5) << fmt(f,3) << g << endl;

is equivalent to

  cout << setw(3) << f << setw(5) << g << endl;

which seems wrong.)

  #include <iostream>
  #include <iomanip>

  template <typename T>
  class fmt_t
    fmt_t( T const& t, int width, int precision = 0 )
      : t(t), width(width), precision(precision)

    template <typename CharT, class Traits>
    friend std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
    operator<<( std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os,
                fmt_t<T> const& fmt )
      class state
        state( std::ios_base& str )
          : str(str), width(str.width()), precision(str.precision())
       ~state() { str.precision(precision); str.width(width); }

        std::ios_base& str;
        int width, precision;

      } stored_state(os);

      if (fmt.width)     os.width    (fmt.width);
      if (fmt.precision) os.precision(fmt.precision);

      return os << fmt.t;

    T t;
    int width, precision;

  template <class T>
  fmt_t<T> fmt( const T &t, int width, int prec = 0 )
    return fmt_t<T>(t, width, prec);

  int main()
    double f( 3.14 );
    std::cout << fmt( f, 8, 3 ) << std::endl;

(The enthusiastic might want to modify this so that it compiles in something
other than Comeau ;-).)

Richard Smith

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