Topic: bitset question; reserved names; non-deduced contexts

Author: (Graeme Prentice)
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2003 19:26:23 +0000 (UTC)
Raw View
Section 23.3.5 contains a (partial) class definition for the bitset

Is a conforming compiler required to define this class exactly as
shown - or alternatively, to provide the functionality implied by the
definition e.g. the destructor of the inner reference class is shown
as a public user defined destructor but presumably this doesn't
require the class to actually have a user defined destructor because
this makes no difference to users of the class?

Can programmers make use of the public member proxy class called
reference that is shown.  A non const reference object is returned by
the non const operator[] member function of bitset for a non const
bitset.  A const bitset uses the const operator[] function which
returns a bool so a reference always refers to a non const bitset and
never a const bitset.

std::bitset<8> b1;
std::bitset<16> b2;
b1[0] = b2[0];
The assignment statement creates two non const reference objects and
calls the non const operator=(bool) member of the reference class to
do the assignment.

To create a reference object you can write
std::bitset<8>::reference ref1(b1[0]);

ref1 now refers to bit 0 of bitset b1.  For this to work, it is
necessary for a public constructor to be available  - none are shown
in the standard.  Can it be assumed that the implicitly defined copy
constructor reference(const reference&) is available (or the
equivalent of).

With vector<bool>, there is a member function swap that swaps two
static void swap(reference x, reference y);

This implies that a copy constructor is available for the reference
class but this is not shown for vector<bool> either.

<< question about reserved names >>

If I want to write a swap function for bitset, I might write in the
global namespace

template <size_t M, size_t N>
void bitswap( typename std::bitset<M>::reference x,
              typename std::bitset<N>::reference y)
    bool b = x;
    x = y;
    y = b;

I used the name bitswap partly because the lookup on a call to swap
finds only std::swap using ADL.  However, a call to bitswap fails to
compile due to a nested name specifier being a non deduced context and
the compiler refuses to deduce the M and N.

So instead, I could write in the global namespace
void bitswap( std::bitset<8>::reference x,
              std::bitset<8>::reference y)
    bool b = x;
    x = y;
    y = b;

Can the name swap be used for this function - is swap reserved by the
std library everywhere in all namespaces or is it just the signatures
of swap that the library actually uses that are reserved (in all

Why is a nested name specifier a non deduced context?  The N in
bitset<N> can be deduced when it's not a nested name specifier.


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