Topic: Do input iterators have to support ->, even if value_type is non-class?
Author: (Kevin S. Van Horn)
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 21:25:24 +0000 (UTC) Raw View
The standard says that for any input iterator, i->m must be valid if
(*i).m is. This seems to me to indicate that all non-pointer input
iterator types must be classes defining operator->(), because m could
always be ~T(), where T is the value type for the iterator. If I'm
reading Section 12.4, paragraph 15 correctly, x.~T() is syntactically
valid when x is of a scalar type T as well as of a class type T.
Is my reasoning correct? Is it possible for a non-pointer type to
satisfy the input or forward iterator requirements without being a
class that defines an operator->()?
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