Topic: Keywords for proposed exception handling construct
Author: (Alf P. Steinbach)
Date: 21 Sep 02 14:23:57 GMT Raw View
General comment. I'm reminded of old Pascal, which had *reserved words*
and *standard words*, the former corresponding to C++ keywords, while
the latter could be freely redefined by the programmer (losing the built-in
meaning in the context of the redefinition).
Or if it wasn't Pascal then it was some other language in that family, e.g.
Modula-2 -- whatever.
Perhaps something like that distinction is needed for C++0x.
On 19 Sep 2002 09:23:09 -0400, (Allan W) wrote:
>Getting back to your proposal, Alf, I have no problems with
>either "succeed_or_throw" or "fallback_to" as keywords -- these short
>phrases are unlikely candidates for good variable names.
>However, the name "succeed" is different. I think that there's a very
>good chance that someone is using this as a variable name right now.
>If it turns out that your proposal is accepted (in some form), the
>word "succeed" would be a poor choice. I would nominate any of these:
> succeed_now
Much better than my suggestion, yes.
Or perhaps "succeed_by_continuing" and "succeed_by" (which would be
followed by a return-statement), instead of a single keyword "succeed".
It would bring the number of keywords, including "clean_up" (which
probably also needs adjustment!) to 5, and that's a more lucky number
than 4 or 3... ;-)
> code_succeeded
I think this may be used by current code, choosing names influenced by
the early idea of condition codes.
> fallback_not_needed
While true enough, it is an incidental issue that no further fallback
is needed -- IMHO the wrong signal to give a reader of the code.
> succeed_after_throw
A succeed_or_throw must have at least one potentially reachable succeed,
for which there will usually not be any caught exception.
> succeed_or_throw_finished
Unlikely to conflict with existing code, expresses the right thing.
Not concise. Devil's advocate: may be misread as "throw finished()".
> fallback_instead_of_rethrow
Expresses the wrong thing; succeed does not cause a fallback (it does
the opposite, succeeds instead of invoking the fallback code).
> std::succeed()
Unlikely to conflict with current code if that "std::" cannot be
Rule about non-implicit "std" is inconsistent with current
qualification rules for namespaces.
Perhaps some other standardized namespace, e.g. as Glassbarrow, or was
it Potter, suggested, "kwd" (I'm not sure of the exact phrase).
>I like some of these better than others, but I think that any of them
>would be better than simply "succeed."
Yes, I think you do have a point, and it was nagging me. Thanks.
- Alf
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