Topic: Adding file memory mapping feature to the new standard
Author: (Beman Dawes)
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 17:27:15 GMT Raw View
"Carl Daniel" <> wrote in message news:<PsiC8.160$>...
> "foo" <> wrote in message
> > I'm considering proposing this class, or something similar, be added
> > to upcomming new C++ standard.
> >
> > Does anyone see any problems with this class being added to the
> > standard?
> > I'm looking for any suggestions or recommendations.
> Why don't you submit it to Boost ( and see what people think
> about it?
I'll second Carl's suggestion.
Submitting a proposal to Boost will do several things; it will give
you detailed feedback on what people think of your proposal, it will
(assuming it gets accepted by Boost) establish existing practice
(which helps a lot once a proposal gets to the committee), and it
means that Boost members on the committee will act as champions for
your proposal if you can't personally attend committee meetings.
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Author: (Javier Estrada)
Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 20:02:41 GMT Raw View
> Does any one know if the C++ committee is considering adding file
> memory mapping features to the C++ standard?
Matt Austern, the chair of the C++ standardization committee's library
working group (and a poster in this newsgroup) publishes The Standard
Librarian column for C++ User's Journal. This might interest you:
The Standard Librarian: File-Based Containers
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Author: (foo)
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 22:29:15 GMT Raw View (Javier Estrada) wrote in message news:<>...
> > Does any one know if the C++ committee is considering adding file
> > memory mapping features to the C++ standard?
> Matt Austern, the chair of the C++ standardization committee's library
> working group (and a poster in this newsgroup) publishes The Standard
> Librarian column for C++ User's Journal. This might interest you:
> The Standard Librarian: File-Based Containers
> Regards,
> Javier.
> ---
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Good link. However, he has a read-only method.
I've created a working version of a memory mapped vector class
(file_vector) that can read and write.
The code has both Win32 and Posix memory mapped code, but I've only
tested the Win32 version. I plan on modifying the code so that even
if memory mapping is not available on the target OS, the class will
still be able to function.
The file_vector class can be viewed via the following links:
Example usage:
I'm considering proposing this class, or something similar, be added
to upcomming new C++ standard.
Does anyone see any problems with this class being added to the
I'm looking for any suggestions or recommendations.
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Author: "Carl Daniel" <>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 08:47:18 GMT Raw View
"foo" <> wrote in message
> I'm considering proposing this class, or something similar, be added
> to upcomming new C++ standard.
> Does anyone see any problems with this class being added to the
> standard?
> I'm looking for any suggestions or recommendations.
Why don't you submit it to Boost ( and see what people think
about it?
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Author: (foo)
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 17:38:10 GMT Raw View
Does any one know if the C++ committee is considering adding file
memory mapping features to the C++ standard?
The reason I ask is because Windows, Unix, and Linux have
implementation for mapping files to memory.
If it were possible to do this with standard C++, it would allow the
use of many algorithms that currently cannot be used directly on files
with out using OS specific code.
Currently only STL functions that can take a stream-iterator can be
used on file data.
The language would be greatly enhanced if algorithms like std::sort,
std::search, transform, binary_search, and replace can be used
directly on a file with out having to use OS specific code.
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