Topic: Defect Report: Nondeduced contexts
Author: (Andrei Iltchenko)
Date: 29 Apr 02 12:55:48 GMT Raw View
[Moderator's note: this defect report has been
forwarded to the C++ committee. -moderator.]
Section: - Deducing template arguments from a function call
Submitter: Andrei Iltchenko (
The current definition of the C++ language speaks about nondeduced
contexts only in terms of deducing template arguments from a type [temp.deduct.type] paragraph 4. Those cases, however, don't
seem to be the only ones when template argument deduction is not
possible. The example below illustrates that:
namespace A {
enum ae { };
template<class R, class A>
int foo(ae, R(*)(A))
{ return 1; }
template<typename T>
void tfoo(T)
{ }
template<typename T>
int tfoo(T)
{ return 1; }
/*int tfoo(int)
{ return 1; }*/
int main()
A::ae a;
foo(a, &tfoo);
Here argument-dependent name lookup finds the function template
'A::foo' as a candidate function. None of the function template's
function parameter types constitutes a nondeduced context as per [temp.deduct.type] paragraph 4. And yet, quite clearly,
argument deduction is not possible in this context. Furthermore it is
not clear what a conforming implementation shall do when the
definition of the non-template function '::tfoo' is uncommented.
Suggested resolution:
Add the following as a new paragraph immediately before paragraph 3 of []:
After the above transformations, in the event of P being a function
type, a pointer to function type, or a pointer to member function type
and the corresponding A designating a set of overloaded (member)
functions with at least one of the (member) functions introduced by
the use of a (member) function template name (13.4) or by the use of a
conversion function template (, the whole function call
expression is considered to be a nondeduced context. [Example:
namespace A {
enum ae { };
template<class R, class A>
int foo(ae, R(*)(A))
{ return 1; }
template<typename T>
void tfoo(T)
{ }
template<typename T>
int tfoo(T)
{ return 1; }
int tfoo(int)
{ return 1; }
int main()
A::ae a;
foo(a, &tfoo); // ill-formed, the call is a nondeduced context
using A::foo;
foo<void,int>(a, &tfoo); // well-formed, the address of the spe-
// cialization 'void tfoo<int>(int)' is
// the second argument of the call
Andrei Iltchenko.
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