Topic: Compileable
Author: "Ludwig Pumberger" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 23:47:07 GMT Raw View
A key word compileable could be usefull in C++:
compileable(5+2); //true
compileable(std::vector<int>() + 2); //false
Of course compileable can only check for semantic correctness and not for
any syntactic errors:
compileable(+); //Compiler error
It could be used to determine wheter a type is POD:
template <typename T>
union PODChecker
T t;
template <typename T>
struct is_pod
enum {result = compileable(PODChecker<T>)};
The compiler should here check wheter it is possible to instantite
PODChecker for T. If T isn't POD, PODChecker can't be instantiated and
compileable evaluates to false.
template <typename T>
T make(); //never implemented
template <typename T>
struct is_virtual
enum {result = dynamic_cast<void*>(make<T*>())};
dynamic_cast is only supported for typed which have at least one virtual
compileable(make<T>().func(make<Arg1>(),make<Arg2>())) could be use to
determine if there is a member-function func which takes two parameters of
type Arg1 and Arg2.
//No entity X is visible for the compiler
This should result in a compiler-error and not return false.
I think such a keyword could extent the possibilities of C++
meta-programming a lot.
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Author: "Richard Smith" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 02:28:09 GMT Raw View
"Ludwig Pumberger" <> wrote in message
> I think such a keyword could extent the possibilities of C++
> meta-programming a lot.
So could a clarification to 14.8.2/2, if it were in the right direction.
Richard Smith
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