Topic: Template parameters of type float?

Author: "James Kuyper Jr." <>
Date: 12 Dec 2001 21:35:11 -0500
Raw View
Allan W wrote:
> > "Allan W" <> wrote
> > > Consider this code:
> > >
> > >     double foo = 1.23456;
> > >
> > > Doesn't the compiler have to know *exactly* what 1.23456 is going to
> > > look like in memory for the target machine, so that it can write out
> > > the correct byte pattern?
> "Al Grant" <> wrote
> > No, it only needs to know its size.  It also has to be able to
> > convert this literal to an integer (probably '1').
> I think you're missing my point.
> What does a compiler do? It accepts source code and emits machine
> code (or it emits object code, which is then translated into
> machine code). A cross-compiler generates machine code for a
> different computer than the one it runs on, but otherwise is the
> same thing.
> Now, assume that the compiler needs to assign the value 1.23456 to
> the variable foo. It has to generate machine code that does this.
> On most CPUs this will involve some form of the "Move" instruction,
> which copies data from one place in memory to another (or possibly
> loads data from the instruction stream to somewhere in memory).
> The compiler is also responsible for generating the value 1.23456
> in the first place.

No, it's not. It's only responsible for generating code that ends up
creating that value. How it achieves that result is an implementation
detail, not specified by the standard.

> The compiler can't do this unless it knows what the value 1.23456
> looks like -- what bit pattern will be used by the number in memory.

Yes, but it can do something quite different that doesn't carry that
requirement. See below.

> The text "1.23456" is long gone by the time the program is loaded
> into memory -- we need a binary equivalent instead. That binary

That's one possibile way to do it, but it's also possible to retain that

> equivalent is produced by the compiler.
> Am I making sense here? Maybe someone else can see what I'm trying
> to say, and can explain it better.

Oh, you're explaining it fairly well, you've just missed a possibility.
An implementation is free to translate

 double foo = 1.2345;

into machine code that is the equivalent of

 double foo = atof("1.2345");

which removes any need for the cross-compiler to know the details of the
floating point implementation on the target machine. The target machine
can contain the actual implementation of atof().
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Author: "Al Grant" <>
Date: 13 Dec 2001 06:34:03 -0500
Raw View
"Allan W" <> wrote in message
> > No, it only needs to know its size.  It also has to be able to
> > convert this literal to an integer (probably '1').
> I think you're missing my point.

I don't think you have a valid point about the language.
What the average compiler may do is another thing.

> What does a compiler do? It accepts source code and emits machine
> code (or it emits object code, which is then translated into
> machine code). A cross-compiler generates machine code for a
> different computer than the one it runs on, but otherwise is the
> same thing.

But C++ implementations don't have to be compilers.

> Now, assume that the compiler needs to assign the value 1.23456 to
> the variable foo. It has to generate machine code that does this.
> On most CPUs this will involve some form of the "Move" instruction,
> which copies data from one place in memory to another

Maybe it could embed the numbers as strings in the object
file, and call sscanf at program load time.

> The compiler can't do this unless it knows what the value 1.23456
> looks like -- what bit pattern will be used by the number in memory.
> The text "1.23456" is long gone by the time the program is loaded
> into memory -- we need a binary equivalent instead. That binary
> equivalent is produced by the compiler.
> Am I making sense here?

You're coherent, but you are asserting lots of things without
reference to the standard.

The standard says:

 - if a literal's value is not in the range of representable
   values for its type then the program is ill-formed.  But you
   can check that without knowing the exact representation.

 - floating-point literals may be cast to integers in
   integral constant-expressions.  But you may be able to do
   that without knowing the exact representation too, even if
   you interpret the standard, as I think you must, to mean
   that you must get the integer that results from a truncation
   of the appropriately typed representable floating-point
   value denoted by the literal.  (Rounding the literal down
   to an integer directly would be easy, of course.)

In particular, there appears to be no requirement on implementations
to know anything about the representation of negative floating-point
numbers.  So how can there possibly be a requirement on them to be
able to do general arithmetic?

It's bad enough that the conformity of programs can depend on the
mapping of characters to integers (e.g. are
   template ... <65>
   template ... <'A'>
the same thing?)  But at least that problem was inherited from C.
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Author: "Al Grant" <>
Date: 9 Dec 2001 21:32:06 -0500
Raw View
"Allan W" <> wrote in message
> Consider this code:
>     double foo = 1.23456;
> Doesn't the compiler have to know *exactly* what 1.23456 is going to
> look like in memory for the target machine, so that it can write out
> the correct byte pattern?

No, it only needs to know its size.  It also has to be able to
convert this literal to an integer (probably '1').

There does appear to be a language issue here in that it is
implementation-defined [2.13.3] whether, say,


rounds up or down.  And that will affect the resulting integral
value in an integral constant-expression.  So that means that
template instantiation etc. are _already_ dependent on the
compiler's floating point model, though that may not be the
same as the target floating point model.

For example on Comeau,

  template<int N> struct S { };

  template<> struct S<(int)0.999999999999999944> { };
  template<> struct S<(int)0.999999999999999945> { };
  template<> struct S<(int)0.999999999999999946> { };

the second specialization is distinct from the first, but the
third is identical to the second (in Comeau's FP model), and is

So the argument "allowing template parameters of type float
would introduce a model dependency into template expansion" is
bogus.  The above example suggests that allowing floating
point parameters with floating-point literal arguments
introduces no new dependency - just the existing dependency
on whether two floating-point literals denote the same value.
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Author: (Jeff Koftinoff)
Date: 9 Dec 2001 21:32:25 -0500
Raw View
In article <>, (Allan W) wrote:

> Doesn't the cross-compiler need intimate knowledge of the intended
> target architecture anyway? When the cross-compiler turns C++
> source code into target-dependant machine code, isn't this where
> the "portable" part of the code becomes "targeted"?
> Consider this code:
>     double foo = 1.23456;
> Doesn't the compiler have to know *exactly* what 1.23456 is going to
> look like in memory for the target machine, so that it can write out
> the correct byte pattern? If so, it's not much of a leap for the
> compiler to calculate 1E6 + 1E-6 with as much accuracy as possible.

Unfortunately it is too much of a leap. Because you don't want 'as much
accuracy as possible', you want 'identical accuracy as the target platform
would have'.

A real example that I ran into:
   float a,b,c,d;

Can compile to one instruction on some DSP's. float is 32 bits.  but
(b*c)+d is calculated with higher precision internally and then rounded to
32 bits.  Other targets don't.

Anyways, there is a way to do what you want in a roundabout way. depending
what you actually want, it isn't clear.

struct half
   static inline float value() { return 0.5f; }

struct one_and_one_third
   static inline float value() { return 1.333333333f; }

template<typename T>
void f()
   // do something with T::value()

void f<one_and_one_third>()
   // do something with one_and_one_third::value()

But, no arithmetic on the parameter is allowed.  It still is useful though
in terms of optimizing code to use constants instead of memory accesses on
some platforms.

If you wanted to get very ugly you could reinterpret_cast<> your float to
an unsigned long and back.... ick!

jeff koftinoff <>
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Author: (James Kanze)
Date: 11 Dec 01 00:54:20 GMT
Raw View
"Richard Smith" <> wrote in message
> "Siegfried Heintze" <> wrote in message
> > I tried posting this last week on comp.lang.c++.moderated but my
> > posting never showed up so I'm trying again. Todd Veldhuizen
> > published some brilliant articles in C++ Report and apparently in
> > the book C++ Gems. I've tried to order the book but it is out of
> > print.

> > I've successfully reconstructed some of his techniques, but the
> > GNU V2 C++ compiler tells me I cannot use floats/doubles as
> > template arguments. The compiler's error message says they are not
> > standard.

> > Is this true? Why?

> Yes, it is true. (Although I thought that g++ did support floating
> point template arguments as an extension provided that you're not
> cross-compiling.)

> Consider the following code:

>     template <float f> class foo { ... };
>     foo<1E6 + 1E-6> my_foo;

> What should the compiler generate?  Perhaps on one some floating
> point architecture 1E6 + 1E-6 == 1E6, but on another it might be
> represented exactly, and so the compiler has to know about the
> details of target floating-point architecture to be able to run
> instantiate the template.  This is easy enough if the compiler is
> running on the target architecture --- it can just do the
> calculation and find out the answer, but if you are cross-compiling,
> the compiler would have to be able to synthesise the floating point
> behaviour of every intended target architecture.  And thankfully the
> Standards Committee decided that this would be unreasonable.

I don't think difficulty of implementation is the only issue.
Consider the following:

    foo<1E6+1E-6> foo1 ;
    foo<1E6>      foo2 ;

Do foo1 and foo2 have the same type or not?

James Kanze                         
Beratung in objektorientierer Datenverarbeitung --
                             -- Conseils en informatique orient   e objet
Ziegelh   ttenweg 17a, 60598 Frankfurt, Germany, T   l.: +49 (0)69 19 86 27

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Author: Steve Clamage <>
Date: 11 Dec 2001 04:07:01 -0500
Raw View
On 7 Dec 2001, Allan W wrote:
> "Richard Smith" <> wrote
> > Consider the following code:
> >
> >     template <float f> class foo { ... };
> >     foo<1E6 + 1E-6> my_foo;
> >
> > What should the compiler generate?  Perhaps on one some floating point
> > architecture 1E6 + 1E-6 == 1E6, but on another it might be represented
> > exactly, and so the compiler has to know about the details of target
> > floating-point architecture to be able to run instantiate the template.
> > This is easy enough if the compiler is running on the target
> > architecture --- it can just do the calculation and find out the answer, but
> > if you are cross-compiling, the compiler would have to be able to synthesise
> > the floating point behaviour of every intended target architecture.  And
> > thankfully the Standards Committee decided that this would be unreasonable.
> Doesn't the cross-compiler need intimate knowledge of the intended
> target architecture anyway? When the cross-compiler turns C++
> source code into target-dependant machine code, isn't this where
> the "portable" part of the code becomes "targeted"?
> Consider this code:
>     double foo = 1.23456;
> Doesn't the compiler have to know *exactly* what 1.23456 is going to
> look like in memory for the target machine, so that it can write out
> the correct byte pattern? If so, it's not much of a leap for the
> compiler to calculate 1E6 + 1E-6 with as much accuracy as possible.

The host must know the format of floating-point values on the
target machine, but that's not the same thing as simulating
floating-point arithmetic exactly. Apart from the obvious --
number of bits in exponent and fraction, and whether the exponent
is base 2 -- what's the behavior for
    - round-off (how many guard bits, if any)
    - sub-normal numbers (flush to zero, or compute)
    - NaN (how many kinds, what semantics)
    - Infinities (none, plus/minus, or just one)
I've probably left off a few things.

The question is whether you require in the standard that the host
machine duplicate all floating-point results exactly.

Steve Clamage,
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Author: "Al Grant" <>
Date: 11 Dec 2001 09:15:05 -0500
Raw View
"James Kanze" <> wrote in message
> I don't think difficulty of implementation is the only issue.
> Consider the following:
>     foo<1E6+1E-6> foo1 ;
>     foo<1E6>      foo2 ;
> Do foo1 and foo2 have the same type or not?

Consider the following:

  foo<(int)1.000000000001E6> foo1;
  foo<(int)1E6> foo2;

Do foo1 and foo2 have the same type or not?  The above
code is Standard C++.  What conceptual issue does your
example demonstrate that is not already in the language?
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Author: "Richard Smith" <>
Date: 11 Dec 2001 17:23:42 -0500
Raw View
"James Kanze" <> wrote in message
> "Richard Smith" <> wrote in message
> news:<>...


> > Consider the following code:
> >
> >     template <float f> class foo { ... };
> >     foo<1E6 + 1E-6> my_foo;
> >
> > What should the compiler generate?


> I don't think difficulty of implementation is the only issue.
> Consider the following:
>     foo<1E6+1E-6> foo1 ;
>     foo<1E6>      foo2 ;
> Do foo1 and foo2 have the same type or not?

True.  But this applies to integers too. As Sergey Derevyago asked in the
"Implementation dependence and template parameters" thread, are the
following the same type?

    template <int TI> struct A { };
    A<4294967291> a;
    A<-5> b;

Richard Smith
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Author: (Allan W)
Date: 12 Dec 01 07:26:38 GMT
Raw View
> "Allan W" <> wrote
> > Consider this code:
> >
> >     double foo = 1.23456;
> >
> > Doesn't the compiler have to know *exactly* what 1.23456 is going to
> > look like in memory for the target machine, so that it can write out
> > the correct byte pattern?

"Al Grant" <> wrote
> No, it only needs to know its size.  It also has to be able to
> convert this literal to an integer (probably '1').

I think you're missing my point.

What does a compiler do? It accepts source code and emits machine
code (or it emits object code, which is then translated into
machine code). A cross-compiler generates machine code for a
different computer than the one it runs on, but otherwise is the
same thing.

Now, assume that the compiler needs to assign the value 1.23456 to
the variable foo. It has to generate machine code that does this.
On most CPUs this will involve some form of the "Move" instruction,
which copies data from one place in memory to another (or possibly
loads data from the instruction stream to somewhere in memory).
The compiler is also responsible for generating the value 1.23456
in the first place.

The compiler can't do this unless it knows what the value 1.23456
looks like -- what bit pattern will be used by the number in memory.
The text "1.23456" is long gone by the time the program is loaded
into memory -- we need a binary equivalent instead. That binary
equivalent is produced by the compiler.

Am I making sense here? Maybe someone else can see what I'm trying
to say, and can explain it better.

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Author: (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Terje_Sletteb=F8?=)
Date: 7 Dec 2001 07:02:51 -0500
Raw View
"James Kuyper Jr." <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Terje SlettebC8 wrote:
> >
> > > "Siegfried Heintze" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > > I tried posting this last week on comp.lang.c++.moderated but my posting
> > > > never showed up so I'm trying again.
> > > > Todd Veldhuizen published some brilliant articles in C++ Report and
> > > > apparently in the book C++ Gems. I've tried to order the book but it is
>  out
> > > > of print.
> > > >
> >
> > An addition to my last posting.
> >
> > Sorry, the way this would be done, if float parameters were supported, is
> > the following. I usually test things, before submitting, but in this case, I
> > couldn't, as float parameters aren't supported.
> >
> > template<float>
> > void f();                   // Template declaration
> >
> > template<>
> > void f<1.3333>() {} // Specialize for 1.3333
> Do you mean to write 0.3333?

Yeah. :)

> > f<1/3>f(); // Call the specialization, or...? No. It's not exactly the same
> > number, so it wouldn't be correct.


Terje Slettebo
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Author: (Allan W)
Date: 07 Dec 01 14:50:56 GMT
Raw View
"Richard Smith" <> wrote
> Consider the following code:
>     template <float f> class foo { ... };
>     foo<1E6 + 1E-6> my_foo;
> What should the compiler generate?  Perhaps on one some floating point
> architecture 1E6 + 1E-6 == 1E6, but on another it might be represented
> exactly, and so the compiler has to know about the details of target
> floating-point architecture to be able to run instantiate the template.
> This is easy enough if the compiler is running on the target
> architecture --- it can just do the calculation and find out the answer, but
> if you are cross-compiling, the compiler would have to be able to synthesise
> the floating point behaviour of every intended target architecture.  And
> thankfully the Standards Committee decided that this would be unreasonable.

Doesn't the cross-compiler need intimate knowledge of the intended
target architecture anyway? When the cross-compiler turns C++
source code into target-dependant machine code, isn't this where
the "portable" part of the code becomes "targeted"?

Consider this code:

    double foo = 1.23456;

Doesn't the compiler have to know *exactly* what 1.23456 is going to
look like in memory for the target machine, so that it can write out
the correct byte pattern? If so, it's not much of a leap for the
compiler to calculate 1E6 + 1E-6 with as much accuracy as possible.

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Author: =?Windows-1252?Q?Terje_Sletteb=F8?= <>
Date: 5 Dec 2001 09:37:31 -0500
Raw View
"Siegfried Heintze" <> wrote in message
> I tried posting this last week on comp.lang.c++.moderated but my posting
> never showed up so I'm trying again.
> Todd Veldhuizen published some brilliant articles in C++ Report and
> apparently in the book C++ Gems. I've tried to order the book but it is
> of print.
> I've successfully reconstructed some of his techniques, but the GNU V2 C++
> compiler tells me I cannot use floats/doubles as template arguments. The
> compiler's error message says they are not standard.
> Is this true? Why?


I guess the reason is, that it could be hard to pick the right template
instantitiation, because of possible roundoff errors. Consider the

template<float n>
void f(n);

void f() { ...} // Specialization for 0.3333

f(1/3); // Call the specialization, or...? No. It's not exactly the same
number, so it wouldn't be correct.

> Where can I access Todd's code?
> I'm looking for additional material for my advanced C++ classes so I'm
> looking for some interesting techniques.

If you haven't, you may also want to check out his homepage
( That's where I found out about
this, too, and the articles on expression templates and template
metaprogramming, really showed me the possibilities of what you can do with

There's a lot of information there, including links to other places, and

There's also another book that deals with such template metaprogramming,
"Generative Programming." Highly recommended.


Terje Slettebo
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Author: =?Windows-1252?Q?Terje_Sletteb=F8?= <>
Date: 5 Dec 2001 09:37:56 -0500
Raw View
> "Siegfried Heintze" <> wrote in message
> > I tried posting this last week on comp.lang.c++.moderated but my posting
> > never showed up so I'm trying again.
> > Todd Veldhuizen published some brilliant articles in C++ Report and
> > apparently in the book C++ Gems. I've tried to order the book but it is
> out
> > of print.
> >

An addition to my last posting.

Sorry, the way this would be done, if float parameters were supported, is
the following. I usually test things, before submitting, but in this case, I
couldn't, as float parameters aren't supported.

void f();                   // Template declaration

void f<1.3333>() {} // Specialize for 1.3333

f<1/3>f(); // Call the specialization, or...? No. It's not exactly the same
number, so it wouldn't be correct.


Terje Slettebo
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Author: "Richard Smith" <>
Date: 5 Dec 2001 09:38:21 -0500
Raw View
"Siegfried Heintze" <> wrote in message
> I tried posting this last week on comp.lang.c++.moderated but my posting
> never showed up so I'm trying again.
> Todd Veldhuizen published some brilliant articles in C++ Report and
> apparently in the book C++ Gems. I've tried to order the book but it is
> of print.
> I've successfully reconstructed some of his techniques, but the GNU V2 C++
> compiler tells me I cannot use floats/doubles as template arguments. The
> compiler's error message says they are not standard.
> Is this true? Why?

Yes, it is true.  (Although I thought that g++ did support floating point
template arguments as an extension provided that you're not

Consider the following code:

    template <float f> class foo { ... };
    foo<1E6 + 1E-6> my_foo;

What should the compiler generate?  Perhaps on one some floating point
architecture 1E6 + 1E-6 == 1E6, but on another it might be represented
exactly, and so the compiler has to know about the details of target
floating-point architecture to be able to run instantiate the template.
This is easy enough if the compiler is running on the target
architecture --- it can just do the calculation and find out the answer, but
if you are cross-compiling, the compiler would have to be able to synthesise
the floating point behaviour of every intended target architecture.  And
thankfully the Standards Committee decided that this would be unreasonable.

Richard Smith
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Author: Nithyanandham <>
Date: 5 Dec 2001 09:41:29 -0500
Raw View
Siegfried Heintze wrote:

> I've successfully reconstructed some of his techniques, but the GNU V2 C++
> compiler tells me I cannot use floats/doubles as template arguments. The
> compiler's error message says they are not standard.
> Is this true?

>From C++ standard: -
A non-type template-parameter shall not be of type void.   A  non-type
  template-parameter shall not be of floating type.  [Example:
          template<double d> class X;    // error
          template<double* pd> class Y;  // ok
          template<double& rd> class Z;  // ok
   --end example]

> Why ?

The floating point computation can't done at the compile time and remember
floating point values are implementation dependent. So,template instantiation
can't be done if the template argument is of type float/double.


Siemens, Bangalore, India.
(Opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect the opinions of my employer,
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Author: "Sergey P. Derevyago" <>
Date: 5 Dec 2001 09:42:10 -0500
Raw View
Siegfried Heintze wrote:
> compiler tells me I cannot use floats/doubles as template arguments. The
> compiler's error message says they are not standard.
> Is this true? Why?
 Different platforms do FP with different precision. So the meaning of your
code (your type system) can be silently affected.

PS IMHO some kind of FP template parameters can really be useful. So the
original rule should be relaxed in certain ways.
         With all respect, Sergey.
         mailto : ders at
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Author: "James Kuyper Jr." <>
Date: 06 Dec 01 05:38:27 GMT
Raw View
Terje Sletteb   wrote:
> > "Siegfried Heintze" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > I tried posting this last week on comp.lang.c++.moderated but my posting
> > > never showed up so I'm trying again.
> > > Todd Veldhuizen published some brilliant articles in C++ Report and
> > > apparently in the book C++ Gems. I've tried to order the book but it is
> > out
> > > of print.
> > >
> An addition to my last posting.
> Sorry, the way this would be done, if float parameters were supported, is
> the following. I usually test things, before submitting, but in this case, I
> couldn't, as float parameters aren't supported.
> template<float>
> void f();                   // Template declaration
> template<>
> void f<1.3333>() {} // Specialize for 1.3333

Do you mean to write 0.3333?

> f<1/3>f(); // Call the specialization, or...? No. It's not exactly the same
> number, so it wouldn't be correct.

You're right; 0 is very different from 1.3333. :-)

Perhaps you intended to write 4.0/3.0 in that case?

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Author: "Siegfried Heintze" <>
Date: 01 Dec 01 13:25:23 GMT
Raw View
I tried posting this last week on comp.lang.c++.moderated but my posting
never showed up so I'm trying again.
Todd Veldhuizen published some brilliant articles in C++ Report and
apparently in the book C++ Gems. I've tried to order the book but it is out
of print.

I've successfully reconstructed some of his techniques, but the GNU V2 C++
compiler tells me I cannot use floats/doubles as template arguments. The
compiler's error message says they are not standard.

Is this true? Why?

Where can I access Todd's code?
I'm looking for additional material for my advanced C++ classes so I'm
looking for some interesting techniques.


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