Topic: [Q]: Add
Author: Michiel Salters<>
Date: 19 Oct 2001 14:57:58 GMT Raw View
In article <6TXw7.251$>, Francis ANDRE says...
>Hi DG
>Does the C++ standard or Request for enhancement list plan to add:
>using namespace;
>This will be helpful in avoiding name scope clashes when using a "new" std
>namespace and "old" global namespace.
No, that won't be done. (as you suggest it).
The point is that any namesclash should be resolved by explicit qualification.
That is, be clear in what namespace you want; :: or std::
>For exemple
>#include <fstream>
>#include <vector>
>using namespace std:
>class foo {
> vector<int> bar1;
> vector<int> bar2;
>friend ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const foo&);
>#include <strstream.h>
>At this point, the compiler emits an error claiming that "streambuf" and
>"ostream" referenced in the definition of strstream is ambigous because the
>declaration of "class streambuf;" conflicts with "typedef
>basic_streambuf <char, char_traits<char> >" from <fstream>.
Well, you should have used using std::vector, and whoever wrote <strstream.h>
should have used ::streambuf.
>By inserting a reset command like -- using namespace; -- of the used
>namespace before the including of <strstream.h>,
>one can avoid this kind of problem.
By using <sstream> one can avoid more problems.
>I know that one cannot intermix <iostream> and <iostream.h> but when an
>application is using one library with <iostream.h> and another one with
> <iostream> comming from 2 differents providers, this is a real painful
> problem!!!
Well, yeah, that's true sometimes, with certain namemangling schemes etc.
But since libraries are really a problem outside the C++ language, it is
a problem best solved by each compiler vendor. After all, they know what's
really in their <iostream>. The standard writers don't know that.
>In my opinion, the -- using namespace;-- could be a easy solution both for
>compiler and integrator to cope with the problem.
>Francis ANDRE
In general I dislike language solutions to problems with a limited
number compilers, or to problems with legacy code. Handling legacy
issues is IMO the domain of compiler vendors, a QOI issue. Perhaps
a #pragma mix_io_streams is a solution ?
Michiel Salters
Michiel Salters
Consultant Technical Software Engineering
CMG Trade, Transport & Industry
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