Topic: Why is the decl-specifier-seq optional in simple-declaration.
Author: Theodore Norvell <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 21:02:45 GMT Raw View
Is there any case where error free code contains a simple-declaration
that consists only of an init-declarator-list?
In the ISO spec, simple-declaration is defined as
decl-specifier-seq(opt) init-declarator-list(opt) ;
It also says that the decl-specifier-seq can only be omitted in the
case of constructors, destructors, and type converstions. However,
I can't think of a case where you can use a simple-declaration
to declare these kinds of functions.
For example, the following program is syntactically valid:
class C {
C() ; // Not a simple-declaration.
} ;
C::C() ; // A simple-declaration
But it is not error free, as you can not declare a constructor outside of its class.
(Note that the declaration within the class is a member-declaration,
not a simple-declaration.)
If I change simple-declaration to
decl-specifier-seq init-declarator-list(opt) ;
would I fail to parse any valid programs?
Theodore Norvell
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