Topic: Should rvalues be cv-qualified ?
Author: "Piotr Dobrogost" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 16:55:50 GMT Raw View
In Borland C++ help I have read this:
template <class T> void func(const T)
func(0); // This is illegal under ANSI C++: unresolved func(int).
// However, Borland C++ allows func(const int) to be called.
Objects created from literals are rvalues and rvalues of built-in types are
never cv-qualified (I've read this here or on c.l.c++.m). That's why
compiler can't find any good version of 'func' function. Am I right ? If so
then should rvalues of built-in types be sometimes (always ?) cv-qualified
making this example legal ? What about user types ?
Piotr Dobrogost
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