Topic: dynamic_cast of unrelated/possibly unrelated classes

Author: "Radoslav Getov" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 16:24:20 GMT
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"Carl Daniel" <> wrote in message
: > I.e. is it legal to try dynamic casts between possibly (but maybe not)
: > unrelated types?
: >
: Absolutely legal & defined to return null.
: 5.2.7 (9) "The value of a failed cast to pointer type is the null pointer
: value of the required result type.  A failed cast to reference type throws
: bad_cast (18.5.2)."
: -cd

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Author: (Bill Gibbons)
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 17:00:14 GMT
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In article <>, Francis Glassborow
<> wrote:

> In article <>, Radoslav Getov
> <> writes
> >Is the following a well defined program and/or behaviour?
> >
> >x = dynamic_cast <X*> (y);
> >
> >I.e. is it legal to try dynamic casts between possibly (but maybe not)
> >unrelated types?
> I believe so. The reason is that I could write:
> class Z: public X, public Y {}
> and now the cross cast is valid...

Maybe; it still depends on the complete type.

Will the following function return a non-null result given a non-null

    X* CastToX(Z* z) {
        Y* y = z;
        X* x = dynamic_cast<X*>(y);
        return x;

Answer: not necessarily.  It depends on the complete (dynamic) type
of the argument.

Suppose the complete type is:

   class W : public Z, public X { };

The call "CastToX(new W)" will return null because there are two
base class subobjects of type "X" in the complete object.

I consider this a serious design flaw in dynamic_cast, and I proposed a
correction (including an example of an efficient implementation design).
But the issue was considered too obscure to be worth addressing.
(Or perhaps the title "Local Disambiguation of Dynamic Cross Casts" was
just too long.)

-- Bill Gibbons

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Author: "Radoslav Getov" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 16:25:59 GMT
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Privided that:

class X
    virtual ~X() {}

class Y
    virtual ~Y() {}

X* x; // don't mind the lack of initialization - that's not the question
Y* y;

Is the following a well defined program and/or behaviour?

x = dynamic_cast <X*> (y);

I.e. is it legal to try dynamic casts between possibly (but maybe not)
unrelated types?

Radoslav Getov

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Author: "Carl Daniel" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 20:28:30 GMT
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"Radoslav Getov" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Privided that:
> class X
> {
>     virtual ~X() {}
> };
> class Y
> {
>     virtual ~Y() {}
> };
> X* x; // don't mind the lack of initialization - that's not the question
> Y* y;
> Is the following a well defined program and/or behaviour?
> x = dynamic_cast <X*> (y);
> I.e. is it legal to try dynamic casts between possibly (but maybe not)
> unrelated types?

Absolutely legal & defined to return null.

5.2.7 (9) "The value of a failed cast to pointer type is the null pointer
value of the required result type.  A failed cast to reference type throws
bad_cast (18.5.2)."


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Author: Francis Glassborow <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 21:41:16 GMT
Raw View
In article <>, Radoslav Getov
<> writes
>Is the following a well defined program and/or behaviour?
>x = dynamic_cast <X*> (y);
>I.e. is it legal to try dynamic casts between possibly (but maybe not)
>unrelated types?

I believe so. The reason is that I could write:

class Z: public X, public Y {}

and now the cross cast is valid, so how do I check whether an X* can be
cross cast to a Y* (because the dynamic type is a Z*)? Note that any two
classes can be related this way (in theory). The only requirement is
that the classes are polymorphic so that RTTI is available.

Francis Glassborow      ACCU
64 Southfield Rd
Oxford OX4 1PA          +44(0)1865 246490
All opinions are mine and do not represent those of any organisation

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