Topic: typeof vs auto (was: Re:C++0x)
Author: Olaf Krzikalla <>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 23:44:14 GMT Raw View
To make it clear: I'm not against typeof. I believe, it's power has
already proven in a lot of gcc projects. But I'm not convinced yet.
Joseph Gottman wrote:
> This is simpler, but typeof() is more flexible. For instance, suppose
> you want to write a function that adds two polynomials of different types.
> You could declare it as
> template <class X, class Y>
> polynomial<typeof(X() + Y())> operator+(
> const polynomial<X> &f,
> const polynomial<Y> &g);
> I don't think auto as you use it above would help in this case.
Granted, for function declaration typeof seems to be needed. But:
1. I don't like the syntax. It doesn't look like a type to me. Also it
looks like X and Y need default ctors.
2. When X and Y become certain classes (say A and B), you need the
declaration of
A+B even if you don't use it. For your example this might be ok, but I
can think of cases, where you get a lot of unwanted dependencies.
How would we solve the shown example today? I would use traits. This has
also some disadvantages:
1. The interface becomes larger, because classes for X and/or Y now
often needs a specialized trait in addition to the operator+.
2. It's often not simple to add new properties to a already existing
Templated typedef's could solve the second problem:
template<class X, class Y> typedef X addType;
// some specialisation:
template<class X> typedef double addType<X, double>; // could be made
the STL
template<class A, class B> typedef
BinExpr<Expr<A>, Expr<B>, ApplyAdd> addType<Expr<A>, Expr<B> >;
template<class A, class B>
addType<Expr<A>, Expr<B> > operator+ (Expr<A>&, Expr<B>&);
template <class X, class Y>
polynomial< addType<X, Y> > operator+(
const polynomial<X> &f,
const polynomial<Y> &g);
Note, that you have to write the type for the user-defined operator+
somewhere - either in the declaration of the operator+ or in a templated
typedef (and then use only the shortcut for the operator+ declaration).
Best regards
Olaf Krzikalla
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