Topic: Why doesn't auto_ptr define an operator->*() ?
Author: "Paul Mensonides" <>
Date: Sat, 5 May 2001 12:16:26 GMT Raw View
<> wrote in message
: I came across a situation recently where I would have liked auto_ptr
: to define an operator->*(). I was writing a template function object
: class that should work with any pointer type. The class is similar to
: std::mem_fun_t except it works with any pointer-like type rather than
: just plain pointers.
: So, I did a little research and I found that there was a suggestion on
: this forum back in 1995 to have operator->*() included in the standard
: auto_ptr. Does anyone know why it didn't make it?
Off the top of my head, because the semantics of overloading operator->* are
non-generic and asinine. (this is my guess)
for instance:
#include <iostream>
// simple little class X
struct X {
// these functions all print out that they were called and what there args
void f(void) {
std::cout << "f()" << std::endl;
void g(void) {
std::cout << "g()" << std::endl;
void f(int a) {
std::cout << "f(" << a << ")" << std::endl;
void g(int a) {
std::cout << "g(" << a << ")" << std::endl;
void f(int a, int b) {
std::cout << "f(" << a << ", " << b << ")" << std::endl;
void g(int a, int b) {
std::cout << "g(" << a << ", " << b << ")" << std::endl;
// beginning of asinine b.s.
class Xfunctor { // base functor
X& m_x;
Xfunctor(X& x) : m_x(x) {
class X_void : public Xfunctor { // handler for void (X::*)(void)
void (X::* m_mptr)(void);
X_void(X& x, void (X::* mptr)(void)) : Xfunctor(x), m_mptr(mptr) {
return; }
void operator()(void) {
class X_int : public Xfunctor { // handler for void (X::*)(int)
void (X::* m_mptr)(int);
X_int(X& x, void (X::* mptr)(int)) : Xfunctor(x), m_mptr(mptr) {
return; }
void operator()(int a) {
class X_int_int : public Xfunctor { // handler for void (X::*)(int, int)
void (X::* m_mptr)(int, int);
X_int_int(X& x, void (X::* mptr)(int, int)) : Xfunctor(x), m_mptr(mptr)
{ return; }
void operator()(int a, int b) {
(m_x.*m_mptr)(a, b);
// fake 'auto_ptr' type class
template<class T> class Y { // i.e. auto_ptr
T* m_t;
Y(void) : m_t(new T) { return; }
~Y(void) {
delete m_t;
X_void operator->*(void (X::* mptr)(void)) {
return X_void(*m_t, mptr);
X_int operator->*(void (X::* mptr)(int)) {
return X_int(*m_t, mptr);
X_int_int operator->*(void (X::* mptr)(int, int)) {
return X_int_int(*m_t, mptr);
// driver
int main() {
void (X::* p)(int, int) = &X::f;
Y<X> a;
(a->*p)(4, 5);
p = &X::g;
(a->*p)(6, 7);
return 0;
You *should* be able to overload operator->* just like operator-> if you want
(i.e. return a pointer)
for example:
// begin elegant non-C++ example...
template<class T> class AutoPtr {
T* m_pT;
T* operator->*() { // NO ARGUMENTS
return m_pT;
int main() {
AutoPtr<X /* from above */ > ax;
void (X::* px)(int) = &X::f;
(a->*px)(5); // ((a->*())->*px)(5)
return 0;
*significantly* more elegant.
Paul Mensonides
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Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 20:34:17 GMT Raw View
I came across a situation recently where I would have liked auto_ptr
to define an operator->*(). I was writing a template function object
class that should work with any pointer type. The class is similar to
std::mem_fun_t except it works with any pointer-like type rather than
just plain pointers.
When I tried to use the class with auto_ptr I discovered the following:
struct foo {
void bar();
typedef void (foo::*foo_mem_ptr)();
foo_mem_ptr bar_ptr = &foo::bar;
foo* foo_ptr = new foo;
std::auto_ptr<foo> foo_auto_ptr(new foo);
(foo_ptr->*bar_ptr)(); // this works
(foo_auto_ptr->*bar_ptr)(); // this doesn't
So, I did a little research and I found that there was a suggestion on
this forum back in 1995 to have operator->*() included in the standard
auto_ptr. Does anyone know why it didn't make it?
Chris Hines
The sooner you start coding, the longer it will take you to finish.
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