Topic: function objects inside functions

Author: "Marco Manfredini" <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 15:54:00 GMT
Raw View

"Juan Vali=F1o" <> wrote in message
> I try to use a function-object near it use:
> void foo() {
>     struct Print{ void operator()(int x) { cout << x; } };
>     for_each(aVector.begin(), aVector.end(), Print());
> };
> C++Builder refuses it unless I put the Print declaration out of foo.
> Is this compiler ok?, In that case, is there any solution (without
> metaprogramming)?.

void foo() {
        static void print()(int x) { cout << x; }=20
     for_each(aVector.begin(), aVector.end(), Print::print);

But sometime, one don't want to call statics, since one want to bind loca=
ls. So if you need an instance then try this:=20

template<class T>
struct localfun
 localfun &that;=20
 virtual void operator () (T x) { that(x); };=20
 localfun() : that(*this) {}

void foo(vector<int> &x)
 struct Print : localfun<int> {=20
  void operator() (int x) { cout << x << endl;  }=20

 for_each(x.begin(), x.end(), Print().that);=20

Hehehe!! This works, "that" always points to the original "Print" and wil=
l be shared on copy-construction.=20

-- Marco

dig @ axfr | grep '^c..\..*A' | sort | cut -b5-=
| perl -e 'while(<>){print pack("H32",$_)}' | gzip -d

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Author: "Juan Vali o" <>
Date: 2000/11/27
Raw View
I try to use a function-object near it use:

void foo() {
    struct Print{ void operator()(int x) { cout << x; } };
    for_each(aVector.begin(), aVector.end(), Print());

C++Builder refuses it unless I put the Print declaration out of foo.

Is this compiler ok?, In that case, is there any solution (without template


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Author: (Joe Chan)
Date: 2000/11/27
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What about:

void foo() {
    struct Print { void operator()(int x) { cout << x; } } aPrint;
    for_each(aVector.begin(), aVector.end(), aPrint );


Juan Vali=F1o <> wrote:

> I try to use a function-object near it use:
> void foo() {
>     struct Print{ void operator()(int x) { cout << x; } };
>     for_each(aVector.begin(), aVector.end(), Print());
> };
> C++Builder refuses it unless I put the Print declaration out of foo.
> Is this compiler ok?, In that case, is there any solution (without temp=
> metaprogramming)?.
> Thanks.
> ---
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Joe Chan

Remove "nospam" to get my address.

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Author: (Brian McNamara!)
Date: 2000/11/27
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"Juan Vali   o" <> once said:
>I try to use a function-object near it use:

>void foo() {
>    struct Print{ void operator()(int x) { cout << x; } };
>    for_each(aVector.begin(), aVector.end(), Print());

>C++Builder refuses it unless I put the Print declaration out of foo.

>Is this compiler ok?, In that case, is there any solution (without template

The compiler is right; the code is illegal.  Template types need
external linkage.

The solution, as you said, is just to define Print outside the function.

Brian McNamara

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Author: Tom <>
Date: 2000/11/27
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Previously, Juan Vali wrote in comp.std.c++:
> I try to use a function-object near it use:
> void foo() {
>     struct Print{ void operator()(int x) { cout << x; } };
>     for_each(aVector.begin(), aVector.end(), Print());
> };
> C++Builder refuses it unless I put the Print declaration out of foo.
> Is this compiler ok?, In that case, is there any solution (without template
> metaprogramming)?.

I think this is normal - AFAIK template parameters must have external linkage, which local structs don't have.

How about:

copy(aVector.begin(), aVector.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, ""));


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