Topic: enum conversion to int

Author: Jim Hyslop <>
Date: 2000/08/11
Raw View
In article <>,
  David R Tribble <> wrote:
> We recently ported some of our code to a new release of the compiler,
> which is closer to being ISO compliant that the previous release, and
> naturally we uncovered a few problems.  This one, though, needs some
> explaining.
> The client source file contains code like this in several places:
>     extern State  getStatus();            // [F]
>     void proc()
>     {
>         if (getStatus() == State::OKAY)   // [T]
>         ...
>     }
> My question is, why will the compiler use 'State::operator Val()'
> when comparing a State to a State::Val, but will not use
> 'State::operator int()'?  Is this consistent with the ISO C++
> type conversion rules?
I suspect a compiler bug.  operator== expects arithmetic types, and both
State and Val can be implicitly converted to an int with a single

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Author: David R Tribble <>
Date: 2000/08/11
Raw View
We recently ported some of our code to a new release of the compiler,
which is closer to being ISO compliant that the previous release, and
naturally we uncovered a few problems.  This one, though, needs some

The header file for the class:

    class State
        enum Val                  // [E]
            OKAY, FAIL, ...

        operator int() const      // [I]
            return (int)m_val;

        Val     m_val;

The client source file contains code like this in several places:

    extern State  getStatus();            // [F]

    void proc()
        if (getStatus() == State::OKAY)   // [T]

The problem is that the conditional expression at [T] failed to
compile; the compiler stated that there was a type mismatch
(comparing a 'State' to a 'State::Val').

This comparison used to work, since the old compiler would convert
the result of getStatus(), of type State, into an int by calling
'State::operator int()', and also converted State::OKAY into an int.
The new compiler doesn't do this.

Our solution was to add the following operator to class State,
which provides an explicit conversion from State to State::Val
(which actually is more correct than the old code):

        // Added to class State...
        operator Val() const        // [V]
            return m_val;

My question is, why will the compiler use 'State::operator Val()'
when comparing a State to a State::Val, but will not use
'State::operator int()'?  Is this consistent with the ISO C++
type conversion rules?

David R. Tribble,,

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