Topic: Destructors and typedefs

Author: "Michael Kochetkov" <mkochetk@trustworks.commm>
Date: 2000/06/21
Raw View
I was unable to find out the issue in this NG and in the defects list. But
anyway I am sorry if it was discussed earlier.
Here is the code which is based upon the example from 12.4/12.
struct B {
    virtual ~B() { }
struct D : B {
    ~D() { }

D D_object;
typedef B B_alias;
B* B_ptr = &D_object;

int main()
   D_object.B::~B();     // calls B's destructor
   B_ptr->~B();          // calls D's destructor
   B_ptr->~B_alias();    // calls D's destructor
   B_ptr->B_alias::~B(); // calls B's destructor
   B_ptr->B_alias::~B_alias(); // error, no B_alias in class B
end of example]

I aggree that B_ptr->B_alias::~B_alias() is ill-formed in this case. There
is no B_alias in B's scope indeed.

Let us consider the example from 3.4.3/5 now:
struct A {
    ~A() {}

typedef A AB;

   AB *p;
   p->AB::~AB(); // explicitly calls the destructor for A
end of example]

It is a contradiction, is not it? 12.4/12 says that p->AB::~AB() should
produce an error, while 3.4.3/5 names it as the explicit destructor's call.

Do I miss something or should it be considered as the defect report?

Thank you in advance,
with regards,
Michael Kochetkov.

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Date: 2000/06/22
Raw View
In article <>,
  "Michael Kochetkov" <mkochetk@trustworks.commm> wrote:
> I was unable to find out the issue in this NG and in the defects
list. But
> anyway I am sorry if it was discussed earlier.
> Here is the code which is based upon the example from 12.4/12.
> Let us consider the example from 3.4.3/5 now:
> [Example:
> struct A {
>     ~A() {}
> };
> typedef A AB;
> int
> main()
> {
>    AB *p;
>    p->AB::~AB(); // explicitly calls the destructor for A
> }
> end of example]
> It is a contradiction, is not it? 12.4/12 says that p->AB::~AB()
> produce an error, while 3.4.3/5 names it as the explicit destructor's
> Do I miss something or should it be considered as the defect report?

That looks like a genuine bug to me.  I'll add it to the
issues list.  Thanks for pointing it out.
William M. Miller,
OnDisplay, Inc. (

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