Topic: Templates and nonstandard extensions
Author: Rafal Florek <>
Date: 1999/12/21 Raw View
I was testing the templates against some nonstandard extensions, for
void __fastcall f(int x) { sum+= x; }
class A
void __fastcall f(int x) { sum+= x; }
int main()
int t[5]={0,1,2,3,4};
std::for_each(t, t+5, f); // *
A a;
std::for_each(t, t+5, std::bind1st(std::mem_fun1(A::f), &a)); // **
return 0;
The (*) call compiles and works ok. (passes arguments via processor
registers - intel platform). As the "for_each" function looks like this:
template <class InputIterator, class Function>
Function for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Function f) {
for ( ; first != last; ++first)
return f;
it means that the "Function" template parameter keeps "__fastcall"
The (**) call doesn't compile. The "mem_fun1" splits its argument into
return value type (R), class (C) and argument type (A) and it looks like it
loses here the "__fastcall" attribute.
I suppose the Standard says nothing about that but it would be nice if both
versions compiled. IMO the "__fastcall" attribute can't be attached neither
to R,C nor to A template parameter, but the expression R (C::*f)(A) could
again include "__fastcall" as it is with version (*)
I tested that example on gnu c++ 2.92.2, MS VC++ 6.0 and Borland Builder
3.0. All of them behaved similarly. Actually gnu compiled both versions but
produced wrong results for the second.
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