Topic: Namespace qualifiers in arguments in function definitions

Date: 1999/09/17
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I've posted this to both comp.lang.c++.moderated and comp.std.c++
(what's the difference between these groups?).  Sorry for the cross-
posting, and I hope the respective moderators don't reject this post
because of it.  This question has been bugging me for some time now,
and I turn to the wisdom of the net.

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   The article goes through both systems and may take much more time
   to reach the net.  -jep/clc++m }

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   see the FAQ referenced below for details.  -sdc/csc++ ]

Consider the following ...


// MyClass.h
namespace MyNamespace {

class CMyClass
   void DoSomething(CMyClass& myClassParam);
   CMyClass& GetMe(void);

}; // CMyClass

} // end of namespace


// MyClass.cpp
#include "MyClass.h"

void MyNamespace::CMyClass::DoSomething(CMyClass& myClassParam)

} // DoSomething

CMyNamespace::CMyClass& CMyNamespace::CMyClass::GetMe(void)
} // GetMe


OK ... here's the question.  I understand why I have to precede the
return value type of GetMe() with the CMyNamespace scope resolutor.
But why DON'T I have to do the same with the argument list for
DoSomething()?  At least, my compiler (MSVC 6) does not complain if I
go with the above, whereas leaving "CMyNamespace" off the return value
type of GetMe() really annoys it.  What I want to know is: is the MS
compiler cutting me some slack by allowing me to leave the CMyNamespace
off the parameter clause of DoSomething()?  Or is it legal under even a
strict interpretation of the C++ standard?  And, if so, what is the
theory behind it?  How does the compiler "know" which namespace the
parameters in the argument list refer to (imagine a case of several
namespaces with several convergent type names).

The other question is regarding style.  Should I use the above method
(i.e. the header file declarations wrapped in the namespace, while the
class definitions are explicitly resolved into the namespace
individually)?  Or should I wrap the definition file with the namespace
too (i.e. by putting a namespace MyNamespace { } around the class
defintion/implementation)?  The former method was recommended to me,
and I like it (it makes some sort of weird sense to me).  But whether
it is correct or not?

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