Topic: Defect Report: Fully qualified friend declarations ill-formed

Author: (Martin von Loewis)
Date: 1999/06/07
Raw View
[ Moderator's note: Forwarded to C++ Committee -sdc ]

This example is ill-formed due to an omission.

namespace A{
  class B{};

namespace B{
  class A{};
  class C{
    friend class ::A::B;

According to, [dcl.type.elab]/1, the friend declaration is
ill-formed: The elaborated type specified (class ::A::B) is the sole
constituent of the declaration, but it has none of the listed forms.

Proposed resolution: Add

   friend class   key ::nested   name   specifier identifier ;

to the list of acceptable exceptions.

Please let me know if you need further information.

Martin v. L   wis

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