Topic: Why no implicit member pointer conversion?
Author: Valentin Bonnard <>
Date: 1999/01/17 Raw View
John Potter wrote:
> struct B { int b; };
> struct D : B { int d; };
> struct F { B fb; D fd; };
> B b;
> D d;
> F f;
> B F::* fbp(&F::fd); // Builder rejects, egcs accepts
> Hopefully someone knowledgable will give a better answer to the question
not me !
> of why the conversion you want is not listed in chapter 4. If nothing
> happens, reword the question and post to comp.std.c++.
This conversion is at the same time type safe and
implementable: a pointer to member is an offset (and
perhaps other informations), so you just have to apply
the delta between B and D.
Also the cast in the reversed direction should be allowed
as a static_cast<D F::*> (B F::*).
I have never understoud the reasons (if there are any)
why it isn't allowed.
Valentin Bonnard
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