Topic: Definition of 'STL' (Was: Is wifstream(wchar_t*) missing in STL?)
Author: Valentin Bonnard <>
Date: 1999/01/03 Raw View
[ I have set the followups to comp.lang.c++.moderated because
the word STL doesn't appear in the standard and this discution
is really about the standard. ]
James Kuyper wrote:
> Alex Martelli wrote:
> >
> > [Note that, of course, STL has *absolutely* nothing to do with this
> > thread, which is about the C++ Standard; it WOULD be nice if
> > people just stopped using this silly 3-letter acronym, incorrectly
> > most of the time, and started talking about Standard C++ and
> > its library! ...]
> What does STL stand for? I thought it stood for the C++ Standard
> Template Library; i.e. that subset of the standard library which uses
> templates. wifstream is certainly in that subset.
I would say that
STL = 20: General utilities library (except auto_ptr <g>) +
23: Containers library +
24: Iterators library +
25: Algorithms library
ie components which where in some form (they have changed)
in HP STL.
Some parts of the library (strings) have been changed to become
containners. (So they could be considered part of the subset)
wifstream is certainly not in that subset (anything which
is a template doesn't magically enter the subset)
I find it confusing when people say 'Problem with the
STL' when they just have a problem with some template.
Valentin Bonnard
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