Topic: streamoff
Author: James Kuyper <>
Date: 1998/11/20 Raw View
In footnote 174, a comment is made about "types described as synonyms
for basic integral types, such as size_t (18.1) and streamoff (27.4.1)".
However, I can't find any such description of streamoff. Here are all
the parts of the standard that seem relevant:
21.1.2 traits typedefs [lib.char.traits.typedefs]
typedef OFF_T off_type;
3 Requires: Requirements for off_type and pos_type are described in
================================================================= struct char_traits<char>
4 The type streamoff is an implementation-defined type that satisfies
the requirements for OFF_T in 21.1.2
27.1.2 Positioning Type Limitations [lib.iostreams.limits.pos]
The classes of clause 27 with template arguments charT and traits behave
as described if traits::pos_type and traits::off_type are streampos and
streamoff respectively. Except as noted explicitly below, their behavior
when traits::pos_type and traits::off_type are other types is
27.4.1 Types []
typedef OFF_T streamoff;
1 The type streamoff is an implementation-defined type that satisfies
the requirements of
typedef SZ_T streamsize;
2 The type streamsize is a synonym for one of the signed basic integral
types. It is used to represent the number of characters transferred in
an I/O operation, or the size of I/O buffers. 266)
================================================================== fpos requirements [lib.fpos.operations]
1 Operations specified in Table 88 are permitted. In that table:
-- P refers to an instance of fpos,
-- p and q refer to an values of type P,
-- O refers to type streamoff.
-- o refers to a value of type streamoff.
-- sz refers to a value of type streamsize
Table 88 -- Position type requirements
[Only the entries relevant to streamoff are shown:]
|expression return type operational assertion/note +
| semantics pre/post-condition|
|P(o) fpos coverts from |
| offset |
|O(p) OFF_T converts to P(O(p))==p |
| offset |
|q = p + o fpos + offset q-o == p |
|p += o |
|q = p - o fpos - offset q+o == p |
|p -= o |
|o = p - q OFF_T distance q+o == p |
|streamsize(o) streamsize converts streamsize(O(sz))==sz |
|O(sz) OFF_T converts streamsize(O(sz))==sz |
Is it possible that the word 'integral' was left out of the first
paragraph of 27.4.1?
A simple implementation that meets all of these requirements is that
OFF_T is the same as SZ_T, and I don't see any reason for a more
complicated implementation.
I want to be able to divide an off_type by an integer, getting another
off_type. I don't see anything that would guarantee my being able to do
that. I could convert to a streamsize and back again for the division,
but that seems more complicated than it should be.
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