Topic: File I/O

Author: Dominic Catellier <>
Date: 1998/05/04
Raw View
I just really need help with file I/O...
It's been a while since I've tried to edit a certain byte of a file.
Here's my code, if someone can tell me how to be able to change one
specific byte of a file. Mine compiles, but runs wrong, first it wont
write to that byte, and second, it doesn't write the good stuff. Anyway,
here's what I've got:

#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
int main(void)
  int allAttribute;   // The new attributes value
  char thecharvariable;   // The variable to show that byte
  cout << "Give me a new variable to add to all attributes";
  cout << "\nIf you want it unchanged, just enter the old value.\n";
  cin >> allAttribute;   // Give the new attribute
  FILE *me;   // The file
  me = fopen( "d:\\program\\game\\diablo\\weapons\\king's~1.itm", "r+"
    if( me == NULL ) {printf("Error 1"); abort(); }   // Error message
  fseek( me, 288, SEEK_SET );   // Seek the byte
  fscanf( me, "%c", &thecharvariable );   // Scan that byte and give it
a name
  fprintf( me, "%d", allAttribute );   // Print that byte also the
  printf("Add to all attributes: %d", thecharvariable);

Anyway, i hope to get an answer soon
        Dominic Catellier
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