Topic: Exception gurus - Copy constructors of exc

Author: clamage@Eng.Sun.COM (Steve Clamage)
Date: 1998/02/05
Raw View
In article, Nicholas howden <> writes:
>When is an exception's copy constructor called?

Whenever a copy is needed. More below.

>Stroustrup's C++ book says that "In principle, an exception is copied
>when it is thrown, so the handler gets hold of a copy of the original
>exception.". Does this apply when the exception is caught by reference?

Yes. The "throw" always throws a copy, and the copy constructor is
used to make the copy.

>Is it always necessary to copy exceptions because the stack is being
>unwound and the originial objects are destroyed?

That is basically the reason.

>Stroustrup also says that if an exception is caught by value as a Base
>class, then the handler does not have access to the attributes of the
>derived class. Is this simply because you cannot (legally) cast it
>or is the object actually copied as its base class in this situation?
>When the call stack is unwound, is the exception copied at every level of
>indirection whether there is a handler or not at that level, or is it
>only copied where there is something to catch it? Is this implementation
>specific or a definition in ANSI C++?

The language rules say that a temporary copy is made at the point of
the throw; the stack is unwound until a handler is reached, at which
point the object is used to initialize the catch-clause parameter. This
is essenitally the same thing that happens when you pass an argument to
a function.

If you pass a derived object by value to a base class target (function
or catch clause parameter), only the base part is copied. The target
cannot hold a derived object, so there is no choice in the matter.
Polymorphism applies only to pointers and references. The object received
by value is no longer a derived object, but has been "sliced" down to a
base object.

As always, the "as-if" principle may allow the compiler to take
some shortcuts.

For the gory details, see draft standard section 15.1 "Throwing an exception".

Steve Clamage,
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