Topic: Poor man's typeof( ) implementation

Author: (Brian Parker)
Date: 1997/11/10
Raw View
For what it's worth, following this post is a rewrite of the typeof( )
code using only portable constructs (it doesn't use non-portable
typeid( ) behaviour) and which works with polymorphic types. As
before, this code is really only good for playing around with
typeof()- hopefully a full implementation of typeof( ) will become a
common (non-standard) compiler extension.

,Brian Parker.


// Portable (limited) typeof( ) emulation.
// Its limitation is that any type used with it must be
// preregistered using the macro REGISTER_TYPEx- this effectively
// renders this implementation useless for any purpose but
// experimentation with typeof( ).

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class ErrorNotRegistered {};

// Template to look up a unique ID for a type.
// (by default, use class member "id" to get unique ID)
template<class T>
struct GetID {
 enum {id = T::id};

// Template to lookup the associated type given a unique ID,
template<int id>
struct GetType {
 typedef ErrorNotRegistered type;

// Register a class that supplies a unique ID using a member "id"
template<>     \
struct GetType<GetID<CLASS >::id > {  \
 typedef CLASS type;   \
};      \

// Register a class and also supply a unique ID
template<>     \
struct GetID<CLASS > {    \
 enum {id = ID};    \
};      \

// The unique ID is encoded as the size of a struct
// so that sizeof() can be used to avoid evaluating the expression.
template<class T>
struct Encode_ID_as_size {
 char buf[GetID<T >::id];

template<class T>
Encode_ID_as_size<T> EncodeID(const T& t)
 return Encode_ID_as_size<T>();

#define typeof(exp) GetType<sizeof(EncodeID(exp))>::type

// Helper macro to handle classes without default constructors.
// (expr should be defined as follows, but VC++ 5.0 doesn't like it)
//#define expr(A) (*(A *)0)
#define expr(A) (A())

// register some built-in types
REGISTER_TYPE2(float, 5)
REGISTER_TYPE2(double, 6)

// an example function using typeof( )
template<class A, class B>
typeof(expr(A) * expr(B))  MyFunc(A a, B b)
 return a * b;

template<class T, int ID = 1234>
struct MyClass {
 MyClass(T t):f(t) {}
 T f;
 enum {id = ID};


template<class T>
MyClass<T> operator*(const MyClass<T>& t1, const MyClass<T>& t2)
 return MyClass<T>(t1.f * t2.f);

int main()
 float d1 = 3.0;
 float d2 = 4.0;

 typeof(d1 * d2) g1 = d1 * d2;

 cout << g1 << '\n';

 typeof(MyFunc(d1, d2)) g2 = MyFunc(d1, d2);

 cout << g2 << '\n';

 MyClass<double> c1 = 4.5;
 MyClass<double> c2 = 2.0;

 typeof(c1 * c2) g3 = c1 * c2;

 cout << g3.f << '\n';

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Author: (Brian Parker)
Date: 1997/10/29
Raw View
On 29 Oct 97 05:27:53 GMT, I (Brian Parker)
>This implementation is more for its novelty value and experimentation
>than for any serious use as it has a number of major limitations-
>(1) It only works with non-polymorphic types. If a class has a virtual
>function then typeid( ) switches to run-time behaviour; in that case,
>this code will give a compile-time error.

Actually, it has just occurred to me that by modifying the code to use
pointers throughout, the code should also work for polymorphic types
(because pointers themselves are always non-polymorphic).

The modified code follows this post.

I say "should work" because VC++ 5.0 gives an internal error when this
new code is used  on polymorphic types .

Can anyone get this code to work on another compiler?

> (3) It relies on implementation-defined behaviour- in particular it
> assumes that typeid returns a pointer to a different type_info object
> for different types, which is not guaranteed by the CD2.

I no longer think that that is a problem as the type_info's for
different types clearly must be different, and within a single
compilation unit it would be truly perverse for an implementation to
return different type_infos for the same type- in fact, perhaps the
standard could specify this?.

> It also
> assumes that typeid is evaluated at compile-time for non-polymorphic
> types, which I believe is the intent of the draft standard and
> certainly is what VC++ 5.0 does (can anyone clarify this?)

On re- reading the CD2, it seems to me that this issue is not properly
specified- I think the standard should explicitly state that for
non-polymorphic types typeid is a constant expression. As it stands,
it only hints at this.

Whilst this is still a god-awful hack, it would almost be usable if
the new code changes worked, and would ease portablity to compilers
that provided a full implementation of typeof( ).

I note that the Gnu C compiler supports this extension; has typeof()
been considered for the upcoming C standard revision?

The updated code follows-

// Emulate typeof for non-polymorphic types
// Compiled under Visual C++ v 5.0

template<class T>
T** kludge(const T&) {return (T**)0;}

#define typeof(X) Type_lookup_trait<&typeid(kludge(X) )>::type


template<const type_info*>
struct Type_lookup_trait {

#define REGISTER_TYPE(X)    \
template<>      \
struct Type_lookup_trait<&typeid(X **)>   \
{       \
 typedef X type;     \
};       \
// remaining code unchanged...

,Brian Parker
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Author: (Brian Parker)
Date: 1997/10/29
Raw View
The following is a partial implementation of typeof( ) based on
typeid( ) (which, for non-polymorphic types does not evaluate its
expression and generates its result at compile-time).

This implementation is more for its novelty value and experimentation
than for any serious use as it has a number of major limitations-

(1) It only works with non-polymorphic types. If a class has a virtual
function then typeid( ) switches to run-time behaviour; in that case,
this code will give a compile-time error.

(2) Every type used with typeof( ) must be registered once using the
REGISTER_TYPE macro. This largely defeats the purpose of typeof( ) in
template code, though it does beat adding a traits class for every
operator and permutation of type promotions.

(3) It relies on implementation-defined behaviour- in particular it
assumes that typeid returns a pointer to a different type_info object
for different types, which is not guaranteed by the CD2. It also
assumes that typeid is evaluated at compile-time for non-polymorphic
types, which I believe is the intent of the draft standard and
certainly is what VC++ 5.0 does (can anyone clarify this?)

The most interesting thing about the following code snippet is that it
indicates how trivial a complete implementation of typeof( ) would
be-- the bulk of the implementation is there already.

The more I think about typeof( ) the more I realise just how important
it is for generic functions. As others have pointed out in this
newsgroup, with general mixed-mode arguments a template function has
no other mechanism to discover the required return type, except by
using a combinatorial explosion of traits classes; I know that I could
get rid of a lot of traits classes in my code if it were available.

It's a shame typeof( ) didn't make it into this standard round, IMHO.

Anyway, the code follows-

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>

// Emulate typeof for non-polymorphic types
// Compiled under Visual C++ v 5.0
#define typeof(X) Type_lookup_trait<&typeid(X)>::type


// use address of returned type_info to index into a traits class
template<const type_info*>
struct Type_lookup_trait {

// specialise traits class for every type used
#define REGISTER_TYPE(X)  \
template<>    \
struct Type_lookup_trait<&typeid(X)> \
{     \
 typedef X type;   \
};     \

// Define example classes
class C{
 void f();
 C(int) {}
 C() {}

class D{
 D() {}
 D(const C& a) {} // promote from C to D

// example operation on C's and D's
D operator*(const D& lhs, const D& rhs)
 return D();

// need to register types- yeech!

// An example function using typeof
template<class A, class B>
typeof(A() * B()) mult(A a, B b)
 typeof(a * b) r = a * b;
 std::cout << typeid(r).name() << '\n'; // debug output
 return r;

int main()
 int i = 1;
 double f = 2.0;
 double fr;
 fr = mult(i, f); // prints "double"

 C c;
 D d;
 D r;
 r = mult(c, d);    // prints "class D"

 return 0;

,Brian Parker
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