Topic: Borland C++ 5.0 RogueWave STL Tree Implementation

Author: Ralph Harvey <>
Date: 1997/09/11
Raw View
     It appears that the map, multimap, set and multiset have a problem
due to tree.h .
tree.h contains a reference to a static variable NIL, which is set at
execution time to a non-NULL value. NIL is used to identify wether a
node is referenced or not. Interestingly, it appears that the SGI
implementation does not include references to NIL.
    At present, I have only been able to get the above to work if the
particular tree type is only referenced in exactly ONE file. I would
like to be able to inline some of the code in other files. Any ideas ?
 I am uncomfortable with changing the present code or using the SGI  (or
similar) STL implementations, due to management concerns. I may,
however, use
another member for the tree implementation instead. Thank you for you

    Ralph Harvey
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