Topic: Style question about virtual methods
Author: "Cristian Georgescu" <>
Date: 1997/09/10 Raw View
Re: Style question about virtual methods
Robert C. Martin <> wrote in article
> wrote:
> >
> > Personally, I prefer the redundant use of "virtual" over leaving it
> > off. Usually it conveys enough information to make a comment
> > unnecessary.
> Me too. In fact, I'd prefer that the language make it an error to
> leave the 'virtual' keyword off.
I fully agree. Maybe the only reason NOT to put a "virtual" in the above
mentioned case is only when you want to say to the user of the class: "Hey,
this is maybe a virual function, by inheritance, but I do not want you to
override it!".
In fact what I would really want would be that in a derived class the non
specification of the keyword "virtual" be equivalent to a "final" like in
> Actually, I'd prefer that the language default to virtual and force the
> use of a keyword for non-virtual functions.
Maybe this is not the philosophy of C++: class members are "private" by
default, and so is inheritance. Also inheritance is non-virtual by
Besides, different kind of applications make different usage of virtual
functions: in embedded systems virtual functions are some-how used only if
necessary, and therefore they are more rare than in aplication code.
Cristian Georgescu
Smith Industries
Aerospace & Defense Systems
7-9 Vreeland Road,
Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA.
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