Topic: multidimensional array using stl vector
Author: (Phil Edwards)
Date: 1997/07/04 Raw View
Peter Mancini <> wrote:
+ Is vector a typename? is vector<int> a typename? I still don't get why I
+ can't do vector< vector<int> > multidim_array_of_int;
You can. It's not a very efficient method of storage for an array (of
however many dimensions) whose size isn't going to change at runtime,
however. There's a lot of wasted memory due to the extra allocation
that's often done by compilers in order to meet the Standard
requirements regarding growth.
I've written a 2D matrix class using vector<double> for one dimension,
and a simple vector<double>* (i.e., the usual array method) as
controlling the other dimension. It was originally for porting MATLAB
code to C++; since MATLAB matrices may grow arbitrarily during the
course of a program, e.g.,
an_MbyN_matrix = [ the_same_MbyN_matrix an_Mby1_column_vector ]
and so I wanted the storage-management routines of vector<>, so that
I'd have to mess with [de]allocation as little as possible. It's not
very efficient when using matrices which don't change in size.
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Author: Kresimir Fresl <>
Date: 1997/07/07 Raw View
Peter Mancini wrote:
> [...] OK, so I just answered my own question,
Yes, indeed.
> Is vector a typename? is vector<int> a typename?
No. Typename is eg. `iterator' in `vector<T>::iterator'.
As far as I can understand it, keyword `typename' is used
to identify qualified names as types (and not as data
members or member functions). I am not sure if it is
necessary in
typedef typename vector<T>::iterator iterator;
(How can one typedef a data or function member? Can some
kind soul explain that?), but my compiler (which, as
its authors claim, `is the result of serious tracking of
the ANSI/ISO C++ committee deliberations to date', that is,
to `December 9, 1996') didn't complain.
> I still don't get why I
> can't do vector< vector<int> > multidim_array_of_int;
You can. But...
If you declare `ivv' as
vector< vector<int> > ivv;
you must resize it first
ivv.resize (no_of_rows);
[with SGI STL: ivv.reserve(...); not the same function, but
there's no `resize()' yet], and then resize all `rows'
for (int i = 0; i < no_of_rows; ++i)
ivv[i].resize (no_of_cols);
Of course, you can write
vector< vector<int> > ivv (no_of_rows);
but not
vector< vector<int> > ivv (no_of_rows, no_of_cols);
Of course, you can wrap it in a class and let constructor do
the resizing.
But, this approach (with or without wrapping it in a class)
is not very efficent:
1) declaration `vector< vector<int> > ivv (nr);' first calls
vector (nr, vector<int>())
which calls `new' to allocate memory for
`vector< vector<int> >', and then calls `vector<int>'s
default (or copy) constructor `nr' times to initialize
`nr' empty `vector<int>'s which are members of
`vector< vector<int> >';
2) then, in a loop, `resize()' is called `nr' times to resize
individual `rows', and each time `resize()' calls `new'.
Besides, as Phil Edwards points out in his reply, ``There's a
lot of wasted memory due to the extra allocation that's often
done by compilers in order to meet the Standard requirements
regarding growth.''
Approach from `Numerical Recipes' has some other advantages, too.
For example, as all data are (is?) in one memory chunk, in some
(almost all, matrix multiplication is a notable exception) matrix
operations (if you derive `matrix' from `array2d') you can treat
array2d as a long vector:
template <typename T>
class array2d {
// ...
vector<T> elems; // actual data
vector<iterator> rows; // beginnings of rows
template <typename T>
class matrix : public array2d<T> {
matrix<T>& operator+= (matrix<T> const&);
// ...
template <typename T>
matrix<T>& matrix<T>::operator+= (matrix<T> const& a){
transform (elems.begin(), elems.end(),
a.elems.begin(), plus<T>());
return *this;
You can even combine this with Daveed Vandevoorde's `static
expression trees' (again, matrix multiplication is an
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Author: Kresimir Fresl <>
Date: 1997/07/02 Raw View
Peter Kelm wrote:
> I want to create a two-dimensional array using stl vector
> size is determined at runtime. But how do I do this?
> #include <vector>
> typedef vector<double> row;
> typedef vector<row*> matrix;
> matrix myMatrix;
> the code above works but if I do it like this i cannot use
> the "common" subscript operator
> myMatrix[1][2] = 5.4;
> Ideas for a simple solution?
My solution (C++ version of 2D arrays in `Numerical Recipes'
2nd ed. by Press et al.) is:
template <typename T>
class array2d {
typedef typename vector<T>::iterator iterator;
typedef typename vector<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename vector<T>::size_type size_type;
// ...
array2d (size_type r, size_type c, T const& val = T())
: elems (r*c, val), rows (r), nr (r), nc (c) {
iterator operator[] (size_type i) { return rows[i]; }
const_iterator operator[] (size_type i) const { return rows[i]; }
vector<T> elems; // actual data
vector<iterator> rows; // beginnings of rows
size_type nr; // number of rows
size_type nc; // number of columns
void init_rows() {
rows[0] = elems.begin();
for (size_type i = 1; i < nr; ++i)
rows[i] = rows[i-1] + nc;
In the expression a2d[i][j] first operator[] is
array2d::operator[] which returns vector<T>::iterator
(lets call it `temp') which `points' to the beginning
of the ith row. Because vector<T>::iterator is random
access iterator, there must be (according to the CD)
operator[] defined for it, with operational semantics
Dec. '96 CD says that for random acces iterators
temp[j] should only have type convertible to T.
It seems therefore that non-const version of
array2d::operator[] is not guaranteed to work. But
in a recent post (thread `Questions about iterator
library') Brian Parker wrote:
: That's got to be a bug in the draft. The latest SGI version
: of the STL (at specifies that for an iterator x,
: *x returns a type convertible to T to allow for a proxy
: implementation, but also specifies that for mutable iterators
: the dereference assignment expression *x = t is defined
: (output iterators are an exception). [...]
: I don't know what is on the committee's agenda, but hopefully
: these bugs will be fixed.
As for current vector implementations, vector<T>::iterator
is simply T* (that is `plain' pointer), and for pointers
operator[] is defined.
PS. All comments on the above code are welcome.
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[ Comments? ]
Author: "Peter Mancini" <>
Date: 1997/07/03 Raw View
That's a really interesting solution. I have a couple of question about
the solution and a general question though.
In the constructor you have elems initialized with:
elems (r*c, val)
How does that work with templates? I assume that the compiler treats it as
vector<r*c, val) which in VC++ would use:
explicit vector(size_type n, const T& v = T(), const A& al = A());
In VC++ 4.x you would need to indicate the allocator class for A however.
OK, so I just answered my own question, but the second is still a mystery
for me.
Is vector a typename? is vector<int> a typename? I still don't get why I
can't do vector< vector<int> > multidim_array_of_int;
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