Topic: const_reverse_iterator & non-const containers

Author: Christian Millour <>
Date: 1997/03/26
Raw View
an interesting problem was raised by Bob Sidebotham <>
on To summarize, g++ won't accept the following code
(as of libg++-2.7.2)

list<int> x;
for (list<int>::const_reverse_iterator i = x.rbegin();
     i != x.rend();
     ++x) {

it will however accept

list<int> x;
for (list<int>::const_iterator i = x.begin();
     i != x.end();
     ++x) {

the non-const versions of begin(), rbegin(), end() and rend() are
called, which is correct IMHO. What saves the day in the forward
case is that the libg++ version of stl provides custom definitions
for list<T>::iterator and list<T>::const_iterator, in particular
list<T>::const_iterator::const_iterator(const list<T>::iterator &),
which makes both initialization of i and comparison with x.end()
possible. This is OK with CD2 since both iterator and const_iterator
are implementation-defined.

However I don't think such a conversion-ctor can be introduced for
list reverse iterators, given their present definition in CD2. Maybe
a new template class std::const_reverse_iterator should be introduced
to complement  Template class reverse_iterator       [lib.reverse.iterator]
and be used to implement the specific containers const reverse
iterators (deque, vector, list, map..)

Now, I realize that the snippets above are not sufficient to mandate
alterations but I feel they might point to more serious deficiencies.
Or should both snippets above be outlawed ?

Comments ?
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