Topic: C++ proposal storage

Author: Christopher Eltschka <>
Date: 1997/01/29
Raw View
Alessandro Vesely wrote:
> Christopher Eltschka wrote:
> > class DateTime  // inclomplete interface
> > {
> > public:
> >   DateTime(year,month,day,hour,min,sec);
> >   DateTime operator+(int sec); // Advances DateTime by sec seconds
> >   int operator-(int sec);      // Goes back by sec seconds
> >   int operator-(DateTime);     // gives the difference in seconds
> >   int Year();
> >   int Month();
> >   int Day();
> >   int Hour();
> >   int Minute();
> >   int Second();
> >   int DaysOfMonth();
> You mean Day returns sunday ... saturday? Or is this 28/29/30/31?

This is 28/29/30/31. BTW, a DayOfWeek (not: DaysOfWeek) function would
be nice, too (Maybe the name of the function above (and the following
one) would better be DaysInMonth/DaysInYear).

> >   int DaysOfYear();
> > };


> It is also good to have functions such as
> set_end_of_dat()
> set_end_of_month()
> set_invalid_date()

Hmmm... what would an invalid date be?

BTW, should a DateTime class handle the Julian Calendar as well?
What about Years b.C. (with a proper handling of the non-existent
Year "0")?

> And, of course, comparison operators.

Yes, certainly. And it should handle timezones correctly. Maybe with
support for summer time (easiest by giving a summer time flag
controlled by the user).

> Ciao
> Ale

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Author: Eric Ulevik <>
Date: 1997/01/31
Raw View
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Christopher Eltschka wrote:
> Alessandro Vesely wrote:
> >
> > Christopher Eltschka wrote:
> > > class DateTime  // inclomplete interface
> >
> Yes, certainly. And it should handle timezones correctly. Maybe with
> support for summer time

Correct time zone handling would be very nice. It's also very unlikely.

A large database of rules is needed to cover time zones and summer
times. Given that the contents basically depend upon local politics, I
don't see how this can be part of any standard.

For example: The state of New South Wales in Australia swaps between
UTC+10 and UTC+11, except for the city of Broken Hill, which swaps
between UTC+9:30 and UTC+10:30.


Eric Ulevik

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<DT>Christopher Eltschka wrote:<BR>
&gt; Alessandro Vesely wrote:<BR>
&gt; &gt;<BR>
&gt; &gt; Christopher Eltschka wrote:<BR>
&gt; &gt; &gt; class DateTime&nbsp; // inclomplete interface<BR>
&gt; &gt;<BR>
&gt; Yes, certainly. And it should handle timezones correctly. Maybe with<BR>
&gt; support for summer time<BR>

<DT>Correct time zone handling would be very nice. It's also very unlikely.</DT>


<DT>A large database of rules is needed to cover time zones and summer
times.&nbsp;Given that the contents basically depend upon local politics,
I don't see how this can be part of any standard.</DT>


<DT>For example:&nbsp;The state of New South Wales in Australia swaps between
UTC+10 and UTC+11, except for the city of Broken Hill, which swaps between
UTC+9:30 and UTC+10:30.</DT>




<DT>Eric Ulevik</DT>

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Author: Alessandro Vesely <>
Date: 1997/01/27
Raw View
Christopher Eltschka wrote:
> class DateTime  // inclomplete interface
> {
> public:
>   DateTime(year,month,day,hour,min,sec);
>   DateTime operator+(int sec); // Advances DateTime by sec seconds
>   int operator-(int sec);      // Goes back by sec seconds
>   int operator-(DateTime);     // gives the difference in seconds
>   int Year();
>   int Month();
>   int Day();
>   int Hour();
>   int Minute();
>   int Second();

>   int DaysOfMonth();

You mean Day returns sunday ... saturday? Or is this 28/29/30/31?

>   int DaysOfYear();
> };[...]
> Possibly it should also contain functions to advance by a certain
> number of months/years (not trivial because of different lengths of
> months/years: You can't simply say: A year has n seconds, so add
> n to get to the next year, as you can do with hours or days.
> BTW: What is one month after 31. Jan.? Or one year after
> 29. Feb. 1996?)

It is 28 (29 on leap years) Feb and 28 Feb 1997 respectively. This implies
date d + 1 month - 1 month may be != d. But adjusting this sort of thing
is exactly what add_months(n) or add_years(n) are supposed to do.

It is also good to have functions such as


And, of course, comparison operators.

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Author: (Mikael Steldal)
Date: 1997/01/24
Raw View
In article <>,
James Kanze <> wrote:

>I'd also stress the fact that the presence of a proposal at such a site
>would not mean "this must be adopted by C++ in the next revision of the
>standard", but only "if we want this, here is how it should be done".

I want a DateTime class.
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Author: Christopher Eltschka <>
Date: 1997/01/24
Raw View
Mikael Steldal wrote:

> I want a DateTime class.

With what interface?

A minimum interface should probably contain at least the following:

class DateTime  // inclomplete interface
  DateTime operator+(int sec); // Advances DateTime by sec seconds
  int operator-(int sec);      // Goes back by sec seconds
  int operator-(DateTime);     // gives the difference in seconds
  int Year();
  int Month();
  int Day();
  int Hour();
  int Minute();
  int Second();
  int DaysOfMonth();
  int DaysOfYear();

ostream& operator<<(ostream&, DateTime);
 // should support localisation, maybe with manipulators.

Possibly it should also contain functions to advance by a certain
number of months/years (not trivial because of different lengths of
months/years: You can't simply say: A year has n seconds, so add
n to get to the next year, as you can do with hours or days.
BTW: What is one month after 31. Jan.? Or one year after
29. Feb. 1996?)

In addition there should be a standard function to get current
date/time, say now(). To have standard DayOfWeek() and WeekOfYear()
functions would be nice, too.
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