Topic: make finding in associative containers templated members?
Author: Ian Haggard <>
Date: 1997/02/03 Raw View
[I sent this earlier but it appears to have been clipped by some mailer
between here and there, so I'm re-sending it]
I have a couple places in my code that resemble the following:
class NamedObject {
// etc.
const string& name();
// etc.
class NameCompare {
bool operator()(const NamedObject& lhs,const NamedObject& rhs)
{ return<; }
set<NamedObject,NameCompare> objectSet;
And I want to execute code like this:
string name;
cin >> name;
NamedObject& namedObj=*(objectSet.find(name));
I find that there are only two ways to do this reasonably efficiently.
The first is to make objectSet into a map, with the name being the key
and the value being the NamedObject. But I find the redundancy
unappealing aesthetically, a waste of memory, and a source of potential
error. The second method of doing this is a really disgusting hack that
only works on classes whose source code and interface I can modify.
string name;
cin >> name;
NamedObject tmpObj;
NamedObject& namedObj=*(objectSet.find(tmpObj));
The only aesthetically pleasing solution I can think of would be to make
find a templated member function of the associative container classes.
In other words:
template<class KeyComparable> iterator find(const KeyComparable& k);
Then, I could accomplish my goal by merely overloading the function-call
operator in the class NameCompare like so:
class NameCompare {
bool operator()(const NamedObject& lhs,const NamedObject& rhs)
{ return<; }
bool operator()(const string& lhs,const NamedObject& rhs)
{ return lhs<; }
bool operator()(const NamedObject& lhs,const string& rhs)
{ return<rhs; }
Is there perchance any other way to accomplish my goal? If not, I'd
like to propose that find, upper_bound, lower_bound, and equal_range be
made templated member functions of the associative container classes.
Ian Haggard || (work) || (home)
Linux -- "Oh, no, Mr Bill!" || #define employer_opinion !my_opinion
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