Topic: Friend template of a template

Author: Kresimir Fresl <>
Date: 1997/01/27
Raw View
Greg Comeau wrote:

> Kresimir Fresl <> writes:

>>What is the correct syntax to declare a friend class template
>>of a class template, if both classes should have same template
>>parameter? There are three cases:
>>(3) class A has other parameters:
>>    template <class T1, class T2> class A;
>>    template <class T1> class B {
>>      // A<T1, any_T2> should be friend of B<T1>
>>    };

> How does your real code want to use this??

There's no real (working) code yet. Question occured while
I was musing about a design of a class `numarray', based
on David Vandevoorde's `valarray<T, M>'

Daveed's `valarray' has two template parameters: `T' is `element
type' and `M' is storage model:

    template < class T, class M = c_array<T> >
    class valarray {
      // ...
      M m_;

And, for example, storage model `c_array<T>' is something like:

    template <class T> class c_array {
      // ...
      T* a_;
      size_t sz;

(Other storage models are for slices and `static expression trees'.)

Users should be concerned only with `valarray's, and not with
storage models -- they should directly instantiate only `valarray's
with `c_array' storage model; therefore it is default parameter.
Moreover, users should not be allowed to instantiate objects of any
storage model (AFAICS, there can be some serious problems with slices
and `const-correctness'); only `valarray' should instantiate them.
Therefore, constructors (and some other member functions) of storage
model classes should be private, and `valarray' should be their friend.

[I am not sure that my `design' is completely correct -- this is
a theme for another discussion, probably not here, but in
c.l.c++.moderated. But anyway, why do you think that similar
situation cannot occur in `real code'?]

>>(Should class A be declared before class B?)

> If you mean what I think you do, yes.

Here's one example:

  #include <iostream.h>

  template <class T> class A;

  template <class T> class B {
    friend class A<T>;
    T t;
    B (T t1) { t = t1; }

  template <class T> class A {
    A (const B<T>& b) { cout << b.t << endl; }

  main () {
    B<double> b1 (5.3);
    B<int>    b2 (3);
    B<char>   b3 ('c');

    A<double> a1 (b1);
    A<int>    a2 (b2);
    A<char>   a3 (b3);

With g++ (2.7.2) and Watcom C++ (10.6) this code can be compiled
without `forward declaration' of class B, while Comeau C++ 4.0
requires it.

K. Fresl
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Author: (Greg Comeau)
Date: 1997/01/24
Raw View
In article <> Kresimir Fresl
<> writes:
>What is the correct syntax to declare a friend class template
>of a class template, if both classes should have same template
>parameter? There are three cases:
>(1) this parameter is the only parameter of both classes:
>    template <class T1> class A;
>    template <class T1> class B {
>      // A<T1> should be friend of B<T1>
>      // (eg. A<int> of B<int>, but not of B<double>)

       friend class A<T1>;

>    };
>(2) class B has other parameters:
>    template <class T1> class A;
>    template <class T1, class T2> class B {
>      // A<T1> should be friend of B<T1, any_T2>

       friend class A<T1>;

>    };
>(3) class A has other parameters:
>    template <class T1, class T2> class A;
>    template <class T1> class B {
>      // A<T1, any_T2> should be friend of B<T1>
>    };

How does your real code want to use this??

>(Should class A be declared before class B?)

If you mean what I think you do, yes.

- Greg
       Comeau Computing, 91-34 120th Street, Richmond Hill, NY, 11418-3214
               Producers of Comeau C++ 4.0 front-end pre-release
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Author: Kresimir Fresl <>
Date: 1997/01/15
Raw View
What is the correct syntax to declare a friend class template
of a class template, if both classes should have same template
parameter? There are three cases:

(1) this parameter is the only parameter of both classes:

    template <class T1> class A;
    template <class T1> class B {
      // A<T1> should be friend of B<T1>
      // (eg. A<int> of B<int>, but not of B<double>)

(2) class B has other parameters:

    template <class T1> class A;
    template <class T1, class T2> class B {
      // A<T1> should be friend of B<T1, any_T2>

(3) class A has other parameters:

    template <class T1, class T2> class A;
    template <class T1> class B {
      // A<T1, any_T2> should be friend of B<T1>

(Should class A be declared before class B?)

Kresimir Fresl
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