Topic: auto_ptr efficiency (was: Construct final in exception handling...)

Author: (Fergus Henderson)
Date: 1996/11/13
Raw View writes:

>nicolas (n.) chapados <> wrote:
>> Fergus Henderson wrote:
>> > the new [auto_ptr] design contains both a pointer and a bool to indicate
>> > ownership.  There are additional time and space costs to manipulate
>> > this bool.
>> On most platforms that have word-alignment restrictions for dynamic
>> allocation, this will be a non-issue: since you're guaranteed that the
>> lower 2 bits (for a 32-bit machine) of your pointer will be zero, just
>> encode the bool there.
>I couldn't find that guarantee in the draft standard.

No, but nicolas (n.) chapados <> didn't claim that
this optimization was valid on all platforms, just on most platforms.
It's OK for the implementation of auto_ptr to be non-portable.

However, the implementation of auto_ptr must work even for classes
with user-defined new operators, or if the user redefines the global
operator new.  To deal with that, it must address the issues you
point out below:

>Also, if the class has very simple attributes (e.g. all chars) then
>class new & delete operators might not (and do not need to) provide a
>block of memory with the same alignment properties as the global

One way of dealing with this is by using template specialization
to only do this optimization if the size of the object is one
for which there is a type of that size that requires at least
two-byte alignment; on most platforms, any object with a non-even
size will fit this criterion.

 template <class T>
 class auto_ptr {
  template <bool can_optimize> class helper;
  helper<sizeof(T) & 1 == 0> my_helper;

 // is this dummy definition really needed?
 template <class T, bool can_optimize>
 class auto_ptr<T>::helper<can_optimize> {};

 // portable specialization
 template <class T>
 class auto_ptr<T>::helper<false> {
  T *my_pointer;
  bool mu_owner;
  helper(T* p, bool o) : my_pointer(p), mu_owner(o) {};
  bool owner() { return o; };
  T* pointer() { return my_pointer; };
  void owner(bool o) { mu_owner = o; };
  void pointer(T* p) { my_pointer = p; };

 // non-portable specialization
 template <class T>
 class auto_ptr<T>::helper<true> {
  typedef unsigned long word;
  word val;
  helper(T* p, bool o) : val((word) p | o) {}
  bool owner() { return val & 1; }
  T* pointer() { return (T*) (val & ~1); };
  void owner(bool o) { val = ((word) pointer() | o); };
  void pointer(T* p) { val = ((word) p | owner()) };

Fergus Henderson <>   |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <>   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh@         |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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