Topic: What can an unexpected_handler do?
Author: (Bradd W. Szonye)
Date: 1996/10/11 Raw View
J. Kanze <> wrote in article
> (Andrew C. Bell) writes:
> To bring this thread back on a standardization topic:-), this is a good
> suggestion, but exactly what library functions can legally be called in
> a new_handler?
Any re-entrant library function <wink>.
I also wonder what exactly you can do in an unexpected_handler. The
standard explicitly lists things you can do in such a function; calling a
function is not one of them. Is that implicitly well-defined behavior, or
is it implicitly undefined behavior? I've been trying to get an answer to
this question for a long time.
The reason it concerns me is the behavior of a thrown exception from an
unexpected_handler. If the unexpected handler itself does not allow the
exception in its specification (or similarly for a function it calls, if
that is legal), what happens? Does the mechanism call terminate()
immediately, or does it thrash and recurse endlessly first? I'd prefer the
former behavior, but I can't find any explicit verbiage to support it.
Bradd W. Szonye
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