Topic: Constructing ifstream for non-existent file is not a failure?

Author: Arch Robison <>
Date: 1996/10/02
Raw View
According to the April 1995 and Jan 1996 working papers, there is
a difference between constructing an ifstream from a file name,
and using method ifstream::open.

Assume that file nonexistent-file does not exist.
Consider the following fragment:

    std::ifstream f( "nonexistent-file" );

According to the drafts, f.good() is true after executing the fragment.
There are no words in the drafts that say otherwise.  But if I use the
following alternative:

    std::ifstream f; "nonexistent-file" );

then the drafts say that f.good() is false.

This inconsistency bothers me for two reasons:

    (a) Not setting the failbit seems gratuitously inconsistent with existing
        practice.  The old iostream distributed with Cfront sets the
  failbit for both cases so that programmers can write stuff like:

     ifstream f("can-of-worms") ;
     if( !f ) cout<<"cannot open can-of-worms";

 The draft breaks this documented idiom.

    (b) The whole point of having failbit is to report failures.
 Why report it in one case and not the other?

Is the inconsistency a feature of the standard?  Or an oversight by omission
that needs clarification?

Arch D. Robison       Kuck & Associates Inc.       1906 Fox Drive
217-356-2288        Champaign IL 61820
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