Topic: Call for Articles on C++ Standardization

Author: (Bowden Wise)
Date: 1996/09/17
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Call for Articles:
C++ Toolbox, SIGPLAN Notices

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Call for Articles for C++ Toolbox

Articles on all aspects of the C++ standardization efforts are being sought
for publication in C++ Toolbox, a new column on C++ programming that
premiered in the January 1996 issue of SIGPLAN Notices.

This call for articles is a specific invitation to those developers involved
with the C++ standards process or working with new langauge features. Those
developers who wish to submit articles on other aspects of C++ should see
the general call for articles at

SIGPLAN, the ACM's special interest group on Programming Languages, focuses
on programming languages. In particular, SIGPLAN explores programming
language concepts and tools, focusing on design, implementation and
efficient use. Its members are the programming language users, developers,
implementers, theoreticians, researchers and educators.

The main publication of SIGPLAN is the monthly publication, SIGPLAN Notices.
More information about SIGPLAN is available from the SIGPLAN homepage at:

Interested authors are invited to submit articles about their experiences
with the C++ standardization efforts or new language features for possible
publication in a future issue of SIGPLAN Notices. Several standards-related
topics are suggested below, however, other topics are certainly welcome.

It is suggested that authors intending to submit an article contact the C++
Toolbox editor, G. Bowden Wise, by e-mail at as early as
possible to confirm their topic selection and verify submission deadlines.


Suggested Topics on C++ Standards

As a major programming language, the specification C++ is maintained by an
international standards body which proposes, debates, and eventually votes
on changes and additions to the language. The standard is very important
because it promotes portability, reliability, maintainability, and efficient
execution of C++ programs across a variety of computing platforms. Most
major compiler vendors try to abide by the current standard, and many choose
to implement new features before they have become an official part of the
standard. Proposed features are introduced in drafts called working papers.
New features can take several months, sometimes years, to be officially
incorporated into the standard, however, when they do, most major compiler
vendors begin to incorporate them into their products, if they have not
already done so.

Recently, the C++ standards body has adopted the Standard Template Library
as part of the C++ Standard Library. This means that every major compiler
vendor will be providing an STL implementation soon, if they have not
already done so.

As new features are incorporated into the language, C++ programmers will
have to become familiar with them in order to use them correctly. C++
Toolbox invites you to contribute your experiences and insights with the
incorporation of new C++ features into your projects.

Persons involved with the C++ standardization process, or those using new
language features in their projects are invited to submit articles for
publication in C++ Toolbox. Here are some suggested topics:

   * New language features, such as, the standard template libary,
     namespaces, explicit, new casting operators, and partial template
   * Features for internationalization of programs.
   * Discussion of the C++ memory model.
   * Discussion of the standards process.

Other topics relevant to the C++ standards effort are also welcome.



Article Format and Length

Articles should be around 4-5 pages in length, single-spaced, in two-column
format. Electronic templates for Latex are available for use as discussed

Authors who are not able to use Latex may submit their articles in plain
ASCII text. Be sure that all headings and locations of figures (if any),
including captions, are clearly marked.

Submissions should also include a short biography of the authors and contact
addresses, including e-mail.

Electronic Format

The preferred format for article submissions is ASCII or Latex.

You should contact the C++ Toolbox Editor at to determine
if any electronic templates are available for your use.


Images may also be included with article submissions. Acceptable image
formats are: Postscript. Other image formats may also be acceptable. Please
contact the C++ Toolbox Editor for further details.


Please submit your articles to the C++ Toolbox Editor via e-mail at:

Any binary files (such as images) should be packaged (using a utility such
as zip/gzip, uudecode, or MIME) into an ASCII format prior to sending.

C++ Toolbox Editor

The Editor of C++ Toolbox is

     G. Bowden Wise                    |
     Department of Computer Science    |
     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute  |

The Editor prefers to be contacted via e-mail at

Correspondence may be sent via US mail to:

     G. Bowden Wise
     Department of Computer Science
     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
     Troy, NY 12180

Correspondence may also be sent by FAX:

     Fax: (518) 276 4033
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