Topic: Qualification conversions
Author: (Fergus Henderson)
Date: 1996/08/08 Raw View
"Michael Rice" <> writes:
>Section 4.4 [conv.qual] para 3 of the May 1996 draft states:
> .mc|T1 is cv1,0 pointer to cv1,1 pointer to ... cv1,n pointer to
>1. What does the notation .mc|T1 mean? And where in the draft is this
> notation explained or is it a typesetting error?
It is a typesetting error. My copy of the same May 1996 draft reads
T1 is cv1,0 pointer to cv1,1 pointer to ... cv1,n pointer to T.
>Next is the following example which should (apparently) be illegal:
>const char* c = 'c';
>char* pc;
>const char** pcc = & pc; // 1 (not allowed)
>*pcc = &c;
>*pc = 'C'; // modifies a const object
>Here T1 is converted to T2:
>T1 is pointer to pointer to "char"
>T2 is pointer to pointer to "const char"
>So there does not exist a T that makes these types "similar" as
>"char" is not the same as "const char".
>Is this reasoning correct?
Yes :-(
>How about this:
>char c = 'x';
>char* pc = &c;
>const char *const *pcc = &pc;
>T1 is converted to T2:
>T1 is pointer to pointer to "char"
>T2 is pointer to const pointer to "const char"
>Here again "char" and "const char" are different so these pointers
>are not similar?
Yes :-(
I think you've spotted a bug in the working paper.
Your second code example is precisely the sort of thing
that this part of the standard was intended to allow, I think.
I think the standard should say something like
Two pointer types T1 and T2 are *similar* if there exists a type T and
integer N>0 such that:
T1 is cv1,0 pointer to cv1,1 pointer to ...
to cv1,n-1 pointer to cv1,n T
^^ ^^^^^
T2 is cv2,0 pointer to cv2,1 pointer to ...
to cv2,n-1 pointer to cv2,n T
^^ ^^^^^
rather than what the current draft says.
(The ^^ symbols denote newly inserted text.)
Fergus Henderson <> | "I have always known that the pursuit
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Author: "Michael Rice" <>
Date: 1996/08/08 Raw View
Section 4.4 [conv.qual] para 3 of the May 1996 draft states:
A conversion can add cv-qualifiers at levels other than the first
in multi-level pointers, subject to the following rules: 49)
Two pointers types T1 and T2 are similar if there exists a type T
and integer N > 0 such that:
.mc|T1 is cv1,0 pointer to cv1,1 pointer to ... cv1,n pointer to
.mc|T2 is cv2,0 pointer to cv2,1 pointer to ... cv2,n pointer to
where each cvi,j is const, volatile, const volatile, or nothing.
1. What does the notation .mc|T1 mean? And where in the draft is this
notation explained or is it a typesetting error?
2. What does the notation mean? And where is the draft is this
notation explained or is it a typesetting error?
And expression of type T1 can be converted to T2 if and only if the following
conditions are satisfied:
-- the pointer types are similar
-- for every j>0, if const is in cv1,j then const is in cv2,j,
and similarly for volatile.
-- if the cv1,j and cv2,j are different, then const is in every
cv2,k for 0<k<j.
Next is the following example which should (apparently) be illegal:
const char* c = 'c';
char* pc;
const char** pcc = & pc; // 1 (not allowed)
*pcc = &c;
*pc = 'C'; // modifies a const object
Here T1 is converted to T2:
T1 is pointer to pointer to "char"
T2 is pointer to pointer to "const char"
So there does not exist a T that makes these types "similar" as
"char" is not the same as "const char".
Is this reasoning correct?
How about this:
char c = 'x';
char* pc = &c;
const char *const *pcc = &pc;
T1 is converted to T2:
T1 is pointer to pointer to "char"
T2 is pointer to const pointer to "const char"
Here again "char" and "const char" are different so these pointers
are not similar?
Mike Rice (
Absoft Corporation
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