Topic: Name injection
Author: Gerd Moellmann <>
Date: 1996/06/30 Raw View
Is the following example, is it a correct interpretation of the
standard that the instantiation of `N1::V' will inject a class `V'
into namespace `N2'? (The alternative would have been that the
definition of `f' would lead to binding `class V' in `X' to the class
`V' declared in front of the definition of `f'.)
namespace N1 {
template <class T> class X {
class V f();
class V;
template <class T>
class V X<T>::f() {...}
namepsace N2 {
N1::X<int> x;
Gerd Moellmann, Altenbergstr. 6, D-40235 Duesseldorf, Germany
Software Development & Consulting
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