Topic: Relaxing the ++r == ++s requirement for forward iterators

Author: (Brian Michael Freyburger)
Date: 1996/06/07
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In article <>
  freyburg@Stanford.EDU (Brian Michael Freyburger) writes:
> Currently, forward iterators have the requirement that
> "r == s and r is dereferenceable implies ++r == ++s".
> It is explicitely stated in the draft to achieve the purpose of
> allowing multi-pass algorithms on forward iterators [see the note at
> However, the slightly relaxed condition:
> "r is dereferenceable imples ++r == ++X(r)"
> still allows for multi-pass algorithms.  In fact, the
> only valid way to create a multi-pass algorithm is too copy the
> iterator, and pass through the data multiple times.

I since realized that this condition is not strong enough to allow
multi-pass algorithms.  It is only the "base case".  [It does not
require that ++(++r) == ++(++X(r)) when r and ++r are dereferenceable.]

Either of the following two definitions are complete however:

1) r is definitions imples ++r == ++X(r)
   r == s and ++r == ++s implies ++(++r) == ++(++s)

2) Define the relationship equiv(.,.) as follows:

   equiv(r, X(r))
   equiv(r, s) and r is dereferenceable implies equiv(++r, ++s)

   Now, the condition that must be maintained for forward iterators is
   "equiv(r, s) implies r == s".

   [Note that equiv used just for purposed of this definition, and not
    actually a C++ function.]

The first definition is easier to write, but still more restrictive
than the second (though the stride_iterator I posted before obeys both

Brian Freyburger

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