Topic: FW: FW: Inherent C++ problem?

Author: Eugene Lazutkin <>
Date: 1996/01/26
Raw View
From:  Max Motovilov[]
Sent:  Thursday, January 25, 1996 11:11 AM
To:  'Eugene Lazutkin'
Subject:  RE: FW: Inherent C++ problem?

> Here is part of the relevent section in the draft standard:
> 12.2 Temporary objects
> While evaluating an expression, it might be necessary or convenient
> for an implementation to generate temporary objects to hold values
> resulting from the evaluation of the expression's subexpressions.
> During this evaluation, precisely when such temporaries are
> introduced is unspecified.

Well, I guess it is exactly the "not explicit enough" thing, at least
when related to the case I described:

Foo foo()
 return Foo( ...... );

Foo( ..... ) is a full expression rather than subexpression. So, is the
implementation _required_ to instantiate _this_ temporary under the
current standard?

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